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节俭与吝啬,从其表象来看,都是爱惜财物,但内涵却大相径庭。 节俭,是对财物的爱惜,是对劳动者的尊重,是对财物有节制的使用,不铺张,不浪费。 吝啬,是狭隘的书制,是将所有的财物据为己有的贪婪,是以剥夺别人劳动成果为快的集物癖。 面对贫困,节俭是省吃俭用,把钱用 Thrifty and stingy, from the appearance of view, are cherishing property, but the connotation is very different. Thrifty, is the love of property, is the respect of workers, is the use of property restraint, not extravagant, do not waste. Stingy is a narrow book system, a greed for which all belongings are owned, and a collusion that deprives other people of the fruits of their work. In the face of poverty, thrift is to save money and money, the money
Objective: To compare the distribution of collagen type I, III and IV in mucosa of normal and carcinomatous colorectal tissues and to analyze the influence of c
已知幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染在消化性溃疡 的发病机制中起重要作用。然而Hp感染是否为消化性溃疡发生的必要条件尚不清楚。此研究调查了活动性胃溃疡或活动性十二指肠溃疡患者的
Background and Purpose -The local renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and cycl ooxygenase-2 contribute to the activation of nuclear factor κ B(NFκ B) and C -reacti
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1986年5月从新疆自治区伊宁县玉米露天堆垛底部霉变玉米中采集到三种Lathridius属仓库害虫,其中二行薪甲Lathridius rugicollis(Olivier)属我国新纪录种.本文对它进行了形态
五峰的秀水滋养了勤劳的土家儿女;而五峰大山又以其特有的灵气抚育了一批土家族杰出的文学家。出生于仕官望族和书香世家的田泰斗就是其中成就最高的佼佼者。 Wufeng Xiushu
两位摄影师在伦敦相遇 ,其中一人对另一人说 :“今天早晨 ,我在地铁的出口 ,遇见一个年老憔悴的乞丐向我讨钱。他冷得瑟瑟发抖。脸上的皱纹密布。在萧条的街景中 ,更显得他衣