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在制作教具过程中,经常需要解剖机具、零件。我们对整机或总成解剖有以下几点体会:1.从机具的最前端到最后端取一个基本在中间的垂直主剖面。有些零部件由于本身位置和保存机构的需要,不应和主剖面重合,可适当往左、右偏一点。2.为了把各系统都充分、恰到好处地剖示出来,使人建立准确、完整的概念,要选择正确的解剖位置,还要适当地采取一些辅助手段,如用有机玻璃进行缺陷补偿等。3.解剖方法基本上遵守机械制图的规范,如用全剖、半剖、阶梯剖、局部剖等。特殊结构如润滑油道 In the process of making teaching aids, often need anatomical tools, parts. We have the following understanding of the whole machine or assembly: 1. From the front to the end of the machine to take a basic vertical cross-section in the middle. Some parts due to their own location and the need to save the body, should not coincide with the main section, may be appropriate to the left and right side of the point. 2. In order to fully and properly dissect each system, it is necessary to establish an accurate and complete concept, to choose the correct anatomical location, and to adopt appropriate aids, such as using plexiglass to compensate for defects. 3. Anatomy basically follow the mechanical drawing specifications, such as with full profile, half profile, step profile, partial profile and so on. Special structure, such as lubricating oil Road
工业锅炉燃烧系统的自寻优控制戴康,戴伟TheSelf-OptimiationControlinCombustionSystemofIndustrialBoiler¥DaiKang;DaiWei1前言工业锅炉是一个复杂的调节对象,其输入量和输出量之间是... Self-optimization control of industrial boiler combustion system
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读今年第一期“节油记”后,对文中“废机油不泼掉,积攒起来加温过滤再用”的说法,我认为不科学。当然,废机油不泼掉,积攒起来是无可非议的,而加温过滤再用,则是不可靠的。 R
目次一、现行国有制的含义和理由二、公有制与市场经济兼容吗? 三、发达国家的国家和地方分别所有制四、中央和地方分别所有的理由五、中央和地方分别所有如何操作? 提问和
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