Co-localization of mu-opioid receptor-like immunoreactivity with substanceP-LI,calcitonin gene-relat

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Co-localization of mu-opioid receptor (MOR)-like immunoreactivity(-LI) with substance P(SP)-LI, calcitonin gene-relat-ed peptide(CGRP)-LI and nitric oxide synthase(NOS)-LI in the nodose,petrosal and Jugular ganglia was examined in the ratby a double immunofluorescence histochemical method.About 0. 6%,41% and 95% of neurons with MOR-LI, respectively, inthe nodose, petrosal and jugular ganglia showed SP-LI; about 2%, 51% and 66% of MOR-like immunoreactive neurons dis-played CGRP。lin the nodose, petrosal and jugular ganglia, respectively. In addition, about 59% of MOR-like lmmunoreactiveneurons in the nodose ganglia displayed NOS-LI, whereas no NOS-LI was detected in the petrosal or jugular ganglion.Thesedata provide evidence for co-localization of MOR-LI with SP-LI, CGRP-LI and NOS-LI in the vagal and glossopharyngeal affer-ent neurons, and suggest that MOR mayregulate the release of SP, CGRP and nitric oxide from the visceral primary afferentterminals in the nucleus of the solitary tract of the rat. Copyright 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. Co-localization of mu-opioid receptor (MOR) -like immunoreactivity (-LI) with substance P (SP) -LI, calcitonin gene-relat-ed peptide (CGRP) -LI and nitric oxide synthase nodose, petrosal and Jugular ganglia was examined in the ratby a double immunofluorescence histochemical method. About 0. 6%, 41% and 95% of neurons with MOR-LI, respectively, inthe nodose, petrosal and jugular ganglia showed SP-LI; about 2%, 51% and 66% of MOR-like immunoreactive neurons dis-played CGRP. lin the nodose, petrosal and jugular ganglia, respectively. In addition, about 59% of MOR-like lmmunoreactive neurons in the nodose ganglia displayed NOS-LI, no no -OS was found in the petrosal or jugular ganglion. Thesedata provide evidence for co-localization of MOR-LI with SP-LI, CGRP-LI and NOS-LI in the vagal and glossopharyngeal affer-ent neurons, and suggest that MOR mayregulate the release of SP, CGRP and nitric oxide from the visceral primary afferentterminals in the nucleus of the solitary tract of the rat. Copyright 1998 Elsevier Science B. V.
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