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现代经济法自产生之日起,在诸多理论问题上就存在着较大争议。其中经济法的价值取向是争论的一个焦点。 这一问题的探讨对经济法学理论上的成熟是非常必要的。 经济法的价值取向是指经济所构筑的法律秩序的目标及其在实现过程中所应遵循的基本准则。它包括三层含义:(1)经济法的宗旨和目标;(2)经济法的自身价值;(3)经济法的评价准则,即在不同价值之间发生矛盾时,依据什么标准取舍。 经济法价值的确定,必须从经济法产生的历史根源与本质特征着手。尽管在这个问题上众说纷云,但学术界一般认为:现代经济法是在社会化大生产和垄断的生成的背景下,由于自由经济缺陷的日益明显,市场失灵现象迭出而产生的,它是国家对市场经济进行干预的法。经济法的产生,昭示着在经济调整的领域中,传统法律价值发生了变化,新的价值开始形成。 Since the day when the modern economic law came into being, there have been a lot of controversies on many theoretical issues. Among them, the value orientation of economic law is a focus of controversy. The discussion of this issue is very necessary for the theoretical maturity of economic jurisprudence. The value orientation of economic law refers to the objective of legal order constructed by economy and the basic norms to be followed in its realization. It includes three meanings: (1) the purpose and objectives of economic law; (2) the value of economic law; and (3) the evaluation criteria of economic law, that is, what criteria should be adopted when there is a conflict between different values. To determine the value of economic law, we must start from the historical roots and essential characteristics of economic law. Despite the numerous controversy on this issue, academics generally believe that modern economic law is created under the background of the emergence of socialized mass production and monopoly due to the increasingly obvious defects of the free economy and the market failure. The law of the state intervenes in the market economy. The emergence of economic law shows that in the field of economic adjustment, the value of traditional law has changed and new values ​​have started to form.
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去年9月11日是刘昊为小朋友的生日。早晨入园她带来一袋糖,请小朋友一起跟她过生日。 下午起床后,我对全班小朋友说:“今天是刘昊为小朋友的生日,她想让小朋友一起跟她过生
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全面预算管理是西方国家企业成功应用,被引入我国企业管理理论与实务。自1988年在一些大中型国有企业中开始探索以目标利润为导向的企业全面预算管理模式。 Total budget ma
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