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为了研究格构式钢管混凝土风电塔架结构中节点的破坏机理和力学性能,进行了6个KT型钢管混凝土节点的静力试验研究,并采用ABAQUS有限元软件对其进行了分析。通过变化腹杆的搭接率和塔柱径厚比两个参数,分析了节点的承载性能。结果表明:腹杆搭接间隙节点的破坏模式为塔柱壁的材料强度破坏,搭接率为0的节点和搭接节点均为受压腹杆失稳屈曲破坏。间隙节点的高应力区出现在拉腹杆与直腹杆的间隙以及受拉腹杆与塔柱相贯线的冠点与鞍点之间,等效应力峰值点达661 MPa,而搭接率为0的节点以及搭接节点的高应力区出现在受拉腹杆与塔柱相贯线的踵点与鞍点之间。搭接率在一定范围内时,节点的承载力随搭接率的增加而逐渐增加,但高应力区也随之逐渐集中,材料利用率逐渐降低,受力趋于不合理。塔柱径厚比对间隙节点的节点区等效应力分布的影响最大,其次是搭接节点和搭接率为0的节点,搭接率为0的节点对塔柱径厚比不敏感;塔柱径厚比相同时,腹杆和焊缝的材料强度成为控制节点承载力的主要因素,塔柱径厚比对间隙节点承载力的影响最大,其次是搭接节点和搭接率为0的节点。 In order to study the failure mechanism and mechanical properties of the nodes of the lattice-type CFST wind tower structure, six KT-type CFST joints are studied in static test and analyzed by ABAQUS finite element software. By changing the lap ratio of the web and the diameter-thickness ratio of the column, the bearing capacity of the node is analyzed. The results show that the failure mode of web lap joint is the failure of material strength of the tower wall, and the node with lap rate 0 and the lap joint are the buckling failure of the compression web. The high stress zone of the gap node appeared between the gap between the web and the web and the peak and saddle point between the web and the column, the peak value of equivalent stress reached 661 MPa, while the overlap rate was The nodes of 0 and the high stress zone of the lap joint appear between the heel point and the saddle point of the line of intersection between the tension web and the tower column. When the lap-over rate is within a certain range, the bearing capacity of nodes increases with the lap-over rate, but the high-stress zone also gradually concentrates. The material utilization rate gradually decreases and the force tends to be unreasonable. The diameter-thickness ratio of tower has the strongest influence on the equivalent stress distribution in the node region of the gap node, followed by the node with lap-joint and lap-take rate of 0, and the node with lap-rate of 0 is not sensitive to the tower-thickness ratio; When the ratio of column diameter to thickness is the same, the material strength of the web and the weld become the main factor to control the bearing capacity of the joint. The effect of the tower diameter-thickness ratio on the bearing capacity of the gap node is the greatest, followed by the lap joint and the lap-joint ratio of 0 node.
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