Acute Toxicity of Aluminium Phosphide Following Oral Administration in Rats

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyc2006
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Aluminium phosphide (AlP) is used as a fumigant and also sometimes misused for suicidal attempts in India, due to its easy availability. The effect of phosphine, the gas that is liberated when AlP comes in contact with moisture, is well documented in the literature. However, the effect of AlP in its native form on animal models is not well cited. In this study we examined the acute toxic effect of AlP in rats. Oral LD50 of AlP for male and female rats were found to be 14. 13 and 11. 89mg/kg, respectively. Oral administration of an AlP dose of 0. 80 LD50 resulted in significant increases in the level of plasma glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase,alkaline phosphatase, glucose and urea in rats of both sexes. Hemoglobin level and packed cell volume also increased significantly 6h after administration. Body weight was reduced but the organ to body weight ratio of lung, liver, spleen, kidney and testes remained unchanged.Histopathological changes induced by AlP during 24-48h induced hemorrhage, congestion and mild to moderate atrophy of various cellular components of visceral organs. The study showed that the acute toxic effect of AlP may be due to hypovolemic shock. Female rats were found to be more susceptible than were males. Aluminum effect of phosphine (AlP) is used as a fumigant and also sometimes misused for suicidal attempts in India, due to its easy availability. The effect of phosphine, the gas that is liberated when AlP comes in contact with moisture, is well documented in the literature However, the effect of AlP in its native form on animal models is not well incorporated. In this study we examined the acute toxic effect of AlP in rats. Oral LD50 of AlP for male and female rats were found to be 14. 13 and 11. 89 mg / kg, respectively. Oral administration of an AlP dose of 0.80 LD50 resulted in significant increases in the level of plasma glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, alkaline phosphatase, glucose and urea in rats of both sexes. Hemoglobin level and packed cell volume also increased significantly 6h after administration. Body weight was reduced but the organ to body weight ratio of lung, liver, spleen, kidney and testes remained unchanged. Histopathological changes induced by AlP during 24-48h induced hemorrhage , congestion and mild to moderate atrophy of various cellular components of visceral organs. The study showed that the acute toxic effect of AlP may be due to hypovolemic shock. Female rats were found to be more susceptible than were males.
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