Structure and aggregation behavior of cobalt-di(2-ethylhexy1)-phosphoric acid complexes in solvent e

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Structure and aggregates formed from cobalt di(2 ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (Co HDEHP) complexes in solvent extraction systems were investigated by FT IR, UV Vis and photon correlation spectroscopic (PCS) techniques. Results showed that the Co HDEHP complex displayed a dehydrated tetrahedral coordination structure of the chelate type in n heptane and the aggregates were rather small. The addition of co surfactant to the solvent produced a series of effect on the physicochemical nature of the molecular aggregates. In the presence of 2 octanol, a partially hydrated octahedral coordination structure was formed in equilibrium with the dehydrated tetrahedral structure for the Co HDEHP aggregates in the organic phase and the equilibrium was found to be affected by the ionic strength of the aqueous phase. Furthermore, the FT IR results showed that Co HDEHP complex in the presence of 2 octanol displayed a bridge coordination between the cobalt and the extractant molecules. Structure and aggregates formed from cobalt di (2 ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (Co HDEHP) complexes in solvent extraction systems were investigated by FT IR, UV Vis and photon correlation spectroscopic (PCS) techniques. Results showed that the Co HDEHP complex displayed a dehydrated tetrahedral coordination structure of the chelate type in n heptane and the aggregates of rather small. The addition of co surfactant to the solvent produced a series of effect on the physicochemical nature of the molecular aggregates. In the presence of 2 octanol, a partially hydrated octahedral coordination structure was formed in equilibrium with the dehydrated tetrahedral structure for the Co HDEHP aggregates in the organic phase and the equilibrium was found to be affected by the ionic strength of the aqueous phase. of 2 octanol displayed a bridge coordination between the cobalt and the extractant molecules.
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