
来源 :云南消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myair
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为了促进我省消防产品的牛产、销售、管理走向规范化、利学化,振兴云南消防科技,推进我省消防事业的发展,云南省公安消防总队近日在曲靖举办、了97云南消防产品展示会.来自15个省市自治区和香港特别行政厂以及美、德、英、日等国家的65个消防产品生产厂家、代理商及建筑消防设施施工安装企业参加了我省第一次规模空前的展示会.展示会所展出的产品门类齐全、科技含量高.展品包括:火灾自动报警系统、自动喷水火火系统、气体灭火系统、消防供水系统、防排烟系统、安全疏散系统、移动式火火器、防火材料、防火分隔构件、防火涂料、消防装备及救生防护产品等11大类60余种.据了解,过去我省消防产品研制、开发、生产、销售和管理还很落后,在八十年代我省还只能生产一般的灭火机、泡沫灭火药剂等,产品单一,科技含量低,我省经销消防产品的企业也屈指可数.在跨入九十年代的6年间,我省开放的步伐加快厂.各种高科技产 In order to promote the production, sales, and management of fire protection products in our province to standardization and learning, revitalize Yunnan’s fire protection technology and advance the development of the province’s firefighting cause, the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Fire Fighting Team recently held in Qujing, 97 Yunnan Fire Products Exhibition. 65 manufacturers of fire-fighting products, agents and construction fire-fighting equipment construction and installation companies from 15 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions and Hong Kong Special Administrative Plants, as well as the United States, Germany, Britain, and Japan, participated in the province’s first ever-scale exhibition The exhibition hall exhibited a complete range of products and high technology content. Exhibits include: automatic fire alarm system, automatic water spray fire system, gas fire extinguishing system, fire water supply system, smoke control system, safety evacuation system, mobile fire There are more than 60 types of firearms, fireproofing materials, fireproof partitioning components, fireproof coatings, firefighting equipment, and life-saving protection products. It is understood that in the past, the development, development, production, sales, and management of fire-fighting products in our province were still lagging behind. The province can only produce ordinary fire extinguishers, foam fire extinguishing agents, etc. The products are single, and the technology is low. The province distributes fire-fighting products. Only a handful of companies. In the six years of the nineties into the room, the pace of opening up the province to speed up the plant. Various high-tech production
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