完善学校心理功能室 营造阳光和谐美校园

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教育的目标是培养全面发展的人,一个全面发展的人,应该在身、心两方面都得到健康、充分的发展。促进学生身心发展,离不开心理健康教育。心理健康教育的目标是促进每个学生最大限度地发展自己。因此,我们要坚持正面教育,使学生健康成长、积极向上,在为不同学校设计心理健康教育功能室时,建设的重点也有所不同。沈阳市第十一中学有着优良的传统与厚重的校园文化,在以潘晓宏为校长的党政班子领导下,学校进行着第二次创业。学校弘扬与倡导的“绿色教育”正在实现回归与超越。学校同心楼五楼的心理健康教育之家,就是在“绿色教育”理念下“一切为学生着想,一切为学生的发展着想,一切为学生的未来着想”价值观的又一体现。学校心理健康之家建设之初,我们就与学校心理教师叔智老师共同探讨建设规划,重点对学生和老师面临的心理成长与学业水平提 The goal of education is to foster an all-round development. An all-round development should be well and fully developed both physically and mentally. To promote the physical and mental development of students, can not be separated from mental health education. The goal of mental health education is to promote each student to maximize their own development. Therefore, we must uphold positive education and enable our students to grow healthily and actively. When we design mental health education function rooms for different schools, the key points for our construction are different. The eleventh middle school in Shenyang has a fine tradition and heavy campus culture. Under the leadership of the Party and government team led by Pan Xiaohong, the school undertakes the second venture. The school promotes and advocates “green education ” is achieving regression and beyond. On the fifth floor of the concentric heart building, Mental Health Education House is another embodiment of values ​​under the concept of “green education” and “all for the sake of students, all for the sake of students’ development, all for the future of the students.” At the beginning of the construction of school mental health home, we discussed the construction plan with the teacher of school psychological teacher Uncle Tzu, focusing on the mental growth and academic level faced by students and teachers
本刊特邀记者龙志奇报道国家发展和改革委员会稀土办公室王彩凤处长在2005年11月14- 20日在日本札幌举行的第17次中日稀土交流会上指出,17年来,随着中日稀土交流会议的发展,
健康的人生是人们追求的目标。从学生的身体、心理、社会适应三方面分析了健美操运动对中学生健康的积极影响。 Healthy life is the goal pursued by people. This paper a