
来源 :甘肃农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bluebird2000
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白兰瓜是我市瓜类主栽品种之一,占种植面积的三分之一。产品除供应市场外,还承担国家出口任务。我市产的白兰瓜质优、味美,在国内外市场上深受赞誉,同时白兰瓜在换取外汇支援社会主义建设上有着一定的作用。近年来,由于白兰瓜病毒病的严重发生,和干旱等自然灾害,亩产由一九七○年以前的两千斤左右,下降到一千来斤,一九七五年竟降到五百多斤。随着产量的下降,品质也严重变劣,成了白兰瓜生产上急待解决的问题。为此,在调查总结群众防病、抗灾的同时,开始探讨造成减产、降质原因,开展提高品质采取增产措施的试验研究工作,取得了较好成效。简结如下。一、病毒危害及发病势。 Bailan melon is one of the main melon varieties in our city, accounting for one-third of the acreage. In addition to product supply market, but also assume the task of national exports. The quality and taste of Brandou melon produced in our city is very much praised in domestic and foreign markets. At the same time, Bailan melon has played a certain role in exchange for foreign exchange support for socialism construction. In recent years, due to the serious occurrence of the disease of Bai Lugu virus and natural disasters such as droughts, the per-mu yield has dropped from one thousand kilograms to seven thousand years ago to one thousand kilograms and dropped to more than 500 in 1975 jin. With the decline in production, quality is also a serious deterioration, became Bailan melon production problems to be solved. To this end, while investigating and summarizing the masses for their prevention and mitigation, they started to explore the causes of the problems of production reduction and quality degradation and carried out experimental research on measures to increase production quality and achieved good results. Brief summary is as follows. First, the virus damage and incidence of potential.
多数胃癌病人在确诊时即已发生局部进展(T3,T4)和(或)远处转移(N3,M1),失去了手术机会。对Ⅲ期以上的胃癌病人而言,即便施行了肿瘤切除术,但近半数病人术后仍可 Most patien
本文简要介绍了体表心电电位图的发展历史及现状。体表心电电位的研究目前主要集中于两个方向 :采集系统和数据处理方法。对于采集系统 ,本文着重介绍了利用虚拟仪器概念和高
曰曲洁青举印1=卜。小快板5 55 ‘ 4富有青春气息地5 6 53女声独唱厂、。5 5 61在那茫茫冬季,你是我阳光沂、1 5 6 55是我阳光;你115 5 5 5 6 5.青春之花因你 厂、5 2 3 21}
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星期五晚上.回家的路上.手机没电了.触手可及的只有一片黑暗。 充电器放在公司.家里再没有任何可以使手机恢复工作的东西。没有其他人在家。电源插座坏了,我打不开电脑。电
俨8每%警遘 辍奄 惑蘧 毽蘧 蛰遘 辍蓬迄垫逮 毽逶 蛰遘 鞋遘 遵蓬椿盘遘 瓷莲 毽蓦 萎薅育§遘 毽瓷 蛰蓦 菪蓬芭銎逵 鞋速 蠡惑 毽蘧 鞋蘸 鞋氧e耷e牵顿矿固。舡皇静霪森讳