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葡萄为蔓性果树、植株的耐寒能力较差,一般栽培品种的根系在—6~—8℃时即发生冻害。及时识别受冻植株,采取有效的补救措施,可使受冻植株再生,并可获得一定的产量。据调查,山区葡萄由于山地埋土防寒不便,冻害比较严重;平原区由于高度密植,防寒取土困难造成的冻害也屡见不鲜。1993年春对受冻植株采取一些补救措施,恢复率达98%以上。 一、受冻植株的识别 葡萄出土上架后,将一年生枝剪下一小段检查。如果枝条剪口断面绿色,出现伤流,且速度越来越快,说明无冻害。如果伤流量少或没有,应立即挖土验根。伤流极慢且枝条及根系断面部分浅褐色的,说明植株发生了轻微冻害;如果只有少量伤流,枝条及根系断面均呈褐色,则为严重冻害;如无伤流且枝条及根系断面褐变,根系木质部与韧皮 Grape is a trampoline tree, plants have poor cold tolerance, the root of the general cultivars at -6 ~ -8 ℃ when the freeze injury occurs. Identify frozen plants in time and take effective remedial measures to regenerate frozen plants and obtain certain yield. According to the survey, mountain grapes due to mountain inconvenience of cold, frost damage is more serious; plains area due to a high degree of density, cold and soil erosion difficulties caused by cold damage is not uncommon. In the spring of 1993, some remedial measures were taken on the frozen plants and the recovery rate was over 98%. First, the recognition of frozen plants Grape unearthed shelves, the annual branches cut a short inspection. If the branches cut green section, there is bleeding, and the faster and faster, indicating no freezing damage. If there is little or no trauma, excavation should be done immediately. The wounds are very slow and the branches and root sections are light brown, which indicates slight frost damage to plants. If there is only a small amount of wounds, the branches and root sections are brown, then severe frost damage; if there is no injury and branches and root sections brown Change, root xylem and bast
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厦门动植物检疫局严格做好入境旅客携带物的检疫,十几年来检疫了大量水果并截获了害虫。机场办事处检疫人员仅在最近的一个 Xiamen Animal and Plant Quarantine Office st