Purification and characterization of lectin from humoral fluids of Charybdis feriatus

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a673897736123
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To search new sources of lectin, an experiment on lectin distribution in humoral serum of crab Charybdis feriatus (in short, CFL) was conducted March, 2002. When adding solid ammonium sul-fate into the fluids up to 50% saturation at 4℃, most CFL activity showed precipitates who were then continually extracted by ammonium sulfate of different concentrations. The supernatant, which was called primary CFL fluids, was given a 17.60-fold purification and 45.70% recovery of total activity. Finally, by using Sephadex G-100 column chromatography, the CFL in the primary CFL fluid was highly purified. Compared to the original humoral fluids, the last purified CFL got a 203.90-fold purification and 30.48% recovery of total activity, and demonstrated a single band on SDS-PAGE. In the same time, the purified CFL was detected for agglutination activity with 7 kinds of animal erythrocytes. Other characterization, such as sugar inhibition, and the effect of temperature on the agglutination activity of CFL were also studied. Our results indicate that agglutination activity of CFL was influenced by sugar and temperature. To search for new sources of lectin, an experiment on lectin distribution in humoral serum of crab Charybdis feriatus (in short, CFL) was conducted March, 2002. When adding solid ammonium sulphate to the fluids up to 50% saturation at 4 ° C, most CFL activity showed precipitates who were then continually extracted by ammonium sulfate of different concentrations. The supernatant, which was called primary CFL fluids, was given a 17.60- fold purification and 45.70% recovery of total activity. Finally, by using Sephadex G-100 Compared to the original humoral fluids, the last purified CFL got a 203.90-fold purification and 30.48% recovery of total activity, and demonstrated a single band on SDS-PAGE. In the same time, the purified CFL was detected for agglutination activity with 7 kinds of animal erythrocytes. Other characterization, such as sugar inhibition, and the effect of temperature on the agglutination activity of CFL was also by studied. Our results indicate that agglutination activity of CFL was influenced by sugar and temperature.
解三角函数求值问题时 ,如果漫不经心 ,就可能得出多值的答案 ,而正确答案又应比它少 .如何去伪存真 ,这就需要我们深入挖掘题目中隐含条件 ,合理筛选 .例 1 已知tan(α -β) =
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2002年11月从美国引进夏牙鲆(Paralichthys dentatus)鱼苗2000尾,平均体长8.3 cm,平均体宽3.6 cm,平均体重8.26g,在室内长方形育苗池内试养,水温9-32℃,盐度20-28,通过投喂自制
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