
来源 :中国职业技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w01225
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如何在职业教育校企合作中营造校园工业化氛围,实现工业文化对接,进而实现校企文化的传承、创新,需要我们深入研究,更需要我们不断实践,勤奋探索!四川工商职业技术学院把优秀的工业文化引入体验式的“心理素质拓展训练”中,开辟了一条基于校企合作中工业文化对接的学生心理素质教育的新途径。 How to create a campus atmosphere of industrialization in the school-enterprise cooperation of vocational education and realize the connection of industrial culture, so as to achieve the inheritance and innovation of school-enterprise culture, we need further study, but also need us to continue to practice and work hard to explore! Sichuan Vocational and Technical College of Commerce The introduction of industrial culture into the experiential “psychological quality training” has opened up a new way of psychological quality education based on the docking of industrial culture in the cooperation between schools and enterprises.
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分析了绳索取心钻进的提钻间隔及其影响因素,提出了加大提钻间隔的具体措施,讨论了钻头寿命与时效对钻探成本的影响. In this paper, the drilling and drilling intervals
时间:2009年2月14日下午地点:司徒兆敦家中受访者简历:司徒兆敦,男,1938年生于香港。1951年随家人到北京定居。北京电影学院教授,曾赴香港城市大学教学。 Time: February 14
The IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA) is organized by IEEE Singapore Industrial Electronics (IE) Chapter. The IEEE Conference