大力发展竹产业 做好益阳竹文章

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益阳是有名的竹乡,竹器加工和竹艺制作久负盛名。近十年来,益阳市高度重视竹产业建设,将竹业开发确定为增加财政收入的财源工程、实现农民增收的致富工程、确保社会稳定的就业工程来抓,在培育管理竹资源、扶植发展竹产业方面,作出了不懈的努力,取得了一定的成绩,竹资源的开发、利用取得较大成效,产业化水平逐步提高,成为了区域经济特别是农村经济的一个重要组成部分。 Yiyang is famous bamboo, bamboo processing and bamboo production prestigious. In the past ten years, Yiyang City has attached great importance to the construction of bamboo industry, identified bamboo industry as a financial resource project to increase financial revenue, realized the rich project of increasing peasants’ income, and ensured the employment of socially stable employment projects. While cultivating and managing bamboo resources and supporting the development of bamboo Industries have made unremitting efforts and made some achievements. The development and utilization of bamboo resources have made great achievements and the industrialization level has been gradually raised, becoming an important part of the regional economy, especially the rural economy.
【正】 China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec Corp.) announced on March 20th,it has received the governmental subsidy of RMB 12.3 billion for its losse
建立了经过用滤纸过滤后,留在滤纸上的微量金溶解和测定的方法。在8%~10%的王水介质中,用原子吸收光谱法测定金含量,其方法的检出限为0.025μg/ml,线性范围为1~4μg/ml,r= 0.99
China raises prices of gasoline and diesel by RMB 1000 per ton,and kerosene for aviationby RMB1500 per ton,effective June20th,2008.The reference retail prices
【正】 It is pointed out in the"Motion for the Protec-tion of Offshore Seawater Ecological Environ-ment"submitted by the Revolutionary Com-mittee of the Chinese
On May 7th,China National Petroleum Cor-poration (CNPC),the country’s largest oil company,signed a letter of intent with Nippon Oil Corporation in Tokyo,to fo
阿尔金山蕴含丰富的物种资源是一个巨大的生物物种基因库由于与世隔绝的环境加之周边恶劣的自然条件这里就成了一个奇妙的世外桃源 Altun is rich in species resources is