逆市场条件更适合拯救东北 专访中国社科院工业经济研究所魏后凯教授

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东北八十年代以来的衰落,其中一个重要的原因就是没有市场。国家要保护市场,保护本国的机器制造业,装备制造业。国有企业是由为数众多的上级行政主管部门来管理,他们画地为牢,阻碍资本流动。产权虚置,直接造成了国有资本的流失,给权力拥有者提供了寻租腐败的机会。东北要想走出现在的困境,中央政府要承担体制转轨的责任,特别是对国有企业职工下岗问题要给予妥善安置。体制转轨过程中不把转轨的遗留问题处理好,新的改革很难推动。 One of the important reasons for the decline of the Northeast since the 1980s is that there is no market. The state must protect the market and protect its own machinery manufacturing and equipment manufacturing industries. State-owned enterprises are governed by a large number of higher-level administrative departments, who plot their jails and hinder the flow of capital. The falsehood of property rights directly causes the loss of state-owned capital and provides the right-holders with the opportunity to seek rent and corruption. In order to get out of the current dilemma in the northeast, the central government should assume the responsibility of institutional transition. In particular, the government should give proper placement to the laid-off workers in state-owned enterprises. In the course of institutional transition, the remaining problems of transition will not be handled well, and the new reforms will be difficult to promote.
今年春节北京莱太、大自然、玉泉营等六大花卉市场举办了迎春花市,用五彩缤纷的鲜花向京城百姓拜年。   离春节还有近一个月的时候,北京花卉市场就呈现出旺销的火暴景象,仅莱
编者按:八月三日杭州市市场营销协会召开年会,杭州市政府秘书长、市营销协会冯俊会长在会上作了工作报告,本刊择要予以刊发,作为各地营销组织之间的交流与工作参考。 Editor
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