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(一)[情景] Mary 想读点英语书籍,但又不知选哪些书为好。图书管理员建议Mary 来阅览室找一些读物,并告诉她简易读物或名人轶事较有趣。Mary 请管理员帮她选几本。管理员表示没问题并问 Mary 在读几年级,获悉 Mary是高二学生,建议她读读狄更斯写的《双城记》、《大卫·科波菲尔》等。Mary (1) [Scenario] Mary wants to read English books, but I don’t know which books to choose. The librarian suggested that Mary visit the reading room to find some books and tell her that simple readings or celebrity anecdotes are more interesting. Mary asked the administrator to help her choose a few. The administrator indicated that there was no problem and asked Mary, after several years of study, that she was a sophomore student and advised her to read Dickens and David Copperfield. Mary
正在小镇拍摄影视片 赵建平摄Afilminthemaking by Zhao Jianping“一……一一……~。一—簸一…~街头琳琅满目 赵建平摄 Shopping by盈a0 Jianping,%n~where deep in a small t
My friend likes to be exact. “Where is the department store?”a passer-by asked him once. “The department store? You have to cross a bridge and then turn to
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WHEN recalling her llfe of 20 years ago,a 45-year-old middle school teacher said the mostimpressive thing for her was a bicycle.“In 1978,I met my husband for
What does a twelve-year-old girl think about her family? Whatdoes she write in her secret diary?
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菲律宾有一种小对虾有些怪。这种小对虾,自幼双双对对钻进海边的礁石缝隙里,在里面长大之后无法出来,默默在狭小的天地里终老一生。菲律宾的渔民对这种小虾不感兴趣,因为它不好吃,更不好卖。  然而,这种小虾却让一个叫吉田正夫的日本小商人赚得眉开眼笑。  有一次,吉田正夫到菲律宾旅游,在海边石缝里看到不少活蹦乱跳的小对虾,顿觉十分新奇。导游告诉他小虾的故事后,吉田正夫马上想到:这是多么感人的爱情啊——从一而