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随着我国的教育改革逐步深入发展。许多新的教学理念、教学方式逐渐被应用实施,备受学生的喜爱和老师的关注,情景教学法作为课堂教学方式的一种,在激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的学习积极性和主动性上都有着重要的作用。地理学科作为一门在课堂教学中较为抽象化的学科,采取情景教学法让学生可以更加直观的感受到对于促进课堂学习有着重要的作用。本文便将就这一问题进行一个浅要的分析,以使得情景教学在地理教学中可以更好的开展。 With the gradual deepening of China’s education reform. Many new teaching concepts and teaching methods are gradually being applied and implemented, much loved by students and teachers ’attention. As a kind of classroom teaching method, scenario teaching method can stimulate students’ interest in learning and develop their enthusiasm and initiative in learning Have an important role. As a discipline which is more abstract in classroom teaching, the use of situational teaching method enables students to feel more intuitive and plays an important role in promoting classroom learning. This article will conduct a brief analysis of this issue so that situational teaching in geography teaching can be better carried out.
在学习英语的过程中,我们经常会遇到这种情况:明明是了熟于心的单词,可它们作为俚语的含义却让我们颇感意外。让我们一起来认识几个这样的单词吧!  1. Word  原义:单词,话语  作为俚语,word相当于I agree。  例句:  — You do not have to agree on politics.  — Word!  ——你们没必要在政治观点上保持一致。  ——说得对!  2. Sh
研究表明,生脉散对脑氧化应激损伤具有显著的防御作用。为了明确其作用机制,本次以源自大鼠肾上腺髓质褐色细胞瘤的神经样培养细胞(PC12)进行了探讨。 方法:PC12细胞在含
观察复方水蛭口服液对小鼠出血时间和凝血时间 ,以及大鼠血栓形成的影响。采用小鼠断尾的方法测定出血时间 ,毛细管法测定凝血时间 ,大鼠动静 脉旁路法考察对血栓形成的抑制
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.