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目的掌握2014年安顺市西秀区居民高血压、糖尿病、血脂异常的流行水平及流行特征,为科学制定和评价预防控制策略提供依据。方法采用多阶段整群随机抽样的方法,随机抽取安顺市西秀区6个乡(镇、办)24个行政村1 208个居民户的1 208人,采用统一的调查表进行问卷调查,开展血压测量,进行空腹血糖、血脂检测。结果安顺市西秀区18岁以上居民高血压、糖尿病、血脂异常患病率分别是27.15%、4.72%、23.68%,标化率分别是21.25%、3.59%、20.86%;以城区最高,以60~岁组最高;血脂异常患病率汉族(24.50%)高于其他民族(15.09%);高血压、糖尿病患病率以离退休人员最高。高血压患病率过量饮酒者(37.31%)高于不过量饮酒者(25.88%)、运动不足者(38.04%)高于达到活动量者(26.25%);高血压、糖尿病、血脂异常患病率超重肥胖者(38.85%、8.15%、29.98%)高于正常者(20.99%、2.91%、20.35%),高血压、血脂异常患病率向心性肥胖者(42.11%、34.50%)高于正常者(21.25%、19.40%)。结论安顺市西秀区18岁以上居民高血压、糖尿病患病率处于中等水平,血脂异常患病率低于全省及全国水平,应加大宣传力度,倡导全民健康生活方式,改变以过量饮酒、运动不足、超重肥胖为重点的危险行为,加强以城区、汉族、离退休人员为重点的高血压、糖尿病、血脂异常防治工作,进一步降低患病风险及患病率。 Objective To understand the prevalence and epidemiological characteristics of hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia in Xixiu district of Anshun City in 2014, and to provide evidence for the scientific formulation and evaluation of prevention and control strategies. Methods A multistage cluster random sampling method was used to randomly select 1 208 persons from 1 208 households in 24 administrative villages of 6 townships (towns and cities) in Xixiu district of Anshun City. The questionnaires were conducted with a unified questionnaire and carried out Blood pressure measurement, fasting blood glucose, blood lipid testing. Results The prevalence rates of hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia in residents aged 18 and over in Xixiu district of Anshun were 27.15%, 4.72% and 23.68%, respectively. The standardization rates were 21.25%, 3.59% and 20.86% The prevalence of dyslipidemia was higher in Han nationality (24.50%) than in other ethnic groups (15.09%). The prevalence of hypertension and diabetes was the highest among retirees. Hypertension prevalence was higher in overdosage drinkers (37.31%) than in non-drinkers (25.88%), in under-exercisers (38.04%) was higher than in those who reached active levels (26.25%); hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia The prevalence rates of overweight and obesity (38.85%, 8.15%, 29.98%) were higher than those of normal subjects (20.99%, 2.91%, 20.35%). The prevalence of hypertension and dyslipidemia was higher than that of central obesity (42.11%, 34.50% Normal (21.25%, 19.40%). Conclusions The prevalence of hypertension and diabetes in residents over 18 years old in Xixiu district of Anshun City is at a moderate level, and the prevalence of dyslipidemia is lower than that of the whole province and the whole country. Publicity should be intensified to advocate a healthy lifestyle for all and change the excessive drinking , Under-exercising, overweight and obesity as the focus of risk behavior, to strengthen the urban areas, Han nationality, retired personnel as the focus of hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia work to further reduce the risk and prevalence.
所谓的教学有效性是新课程倡导的一种教学理念,而对于高中地理课堂教学来说,有效性教学有利于挖掘课堂潜力,提高学生的学习质量,培养学生自主探究、实践创新的能力。 The so
糖尿病是以多饮多食多尿身体消瘦或尿有甜味为特征的病症.它大多因饮食不节和情志失调,其病理变化主要是阴虚燥热.近年来,老年糖尿病发病率占糖尿病患者总数的42.7%,以60- 70
目的 观察宁心解毒汤治疗病毒性心肌炎的临床疗效.方法 我院2008~2009年诊断的病毒性心肌炎患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,对照组28例采用西医综合治疗,治疗组32例常规西医治疗