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随着我国对教育的重视程度在不断的提高,现在人们的文化水平也得到了大大的提升,越来越多的大学生开始涌入市场,人才过剩使得当代大学生普遍存在就业难的问题。因此为了解决大学生就业难的问题,在政府的积极号召之下,大学生开始了自主创业,与此同时,许多高校也专门为学生开设了创业教育课程。在创业教育中,创业教育课程体系往往是其最为核心的一个环节,同时也是创业教育观念转化为教育实践的一座桥梁,更是创业教育培养目标得以实现的一个重要中介。因此,合理的对创业教育课程体系加以优化可以使得创业教育的整体功能得到最大限度的发挥,从而更加有效地实现创业教育的预期目标。本文对我国高职院校当前创业教育课程中存在问题进行了总结,并在此基础上研究了优化高职创业教育课程体系构建的策略,旨在为我国高职院校中创业教育课程体系的构建提供一些参考。 With the increasing emphasis on education in our country, people’s cultural level has also been greatly improved. More and more college students have started to pour into the market. Overcapacity makes contemporary college students universally inaccessible to employment. Therefore, in order to solve the problem of college students’ employment difficulties, college students started their own businesses under the active call of the government. Meanwhile, many colleges and universities also set up entrepreneurial education courses for students. In entrepreneurial education, entrepreneurial education curriculum system is often the core of a link, but also the concept of entrepreneurship education into a bridge of educational practice, but also the entrepreneurial education and training objectives to achieve an important intermediary. Therefore, to rationalize the curriculum system of entrepreneurship education can make the overall function of entrepreneurship education be maximized, so as to achieve the expected goal of entrepreneurial education more effectively. This article summarizes the existing problems in the course of entrepreneurship education in higher vocational colleges in our country, and on this basis, studies the strategies to optimize the curriculum system of entrepreneurship education in higher vocational colleges, Build to provide some reference.
目的 :观察HSV -tk/ACV(HerpesSimplexVirusthymidinekinasegene/Acyclovir)系统基因治疗恶性肿瘤过程中旁观者效应的作用。方法 :HSV -tk基因重组逆转录病毒载体转染PA317细
慢性中性粒细胞白血病 (chronicneutrophilic leukemia,CNL )是一种少见类型的慢性白血病 ,临床上以成熟中性粒细胞持续增多 ,脾大为主要特征 ,192 0年首先由 Tuohy描述 ,以