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作者对105例尿道结石患者取石时技术进行了改进。方法:前尿道结石者取仰卧或坐位,后尿道结石者取左侧卧位。常规消毒铺巾,向尿道内注入0.5%地卡因2ml作表面麻醉,术者戴无菌手套,将胆道取石钳涂拭无菌石蜡油后徐徐插入尿道,当钳尖碰到结石后,稍张开钳齿将结石前部钳住,稍作转动缓慢取出。后尿道结石不易钳取,宜用下述方法:术者右手持钳,左手或助手戴手套用示指进直肠内抵住前列腺部尿道,从尿道外口注入尿道软扩张合剂(地塞米松4mg、庆大霉素4万单位、1%普鲁卡因10ml混合液)充盈尿道。取石过程中置于直肠内的手指协助将结石固定并送入钳齿窝内,右手将已钳住结石的钳子左右旋动缓慢取出。较难取出者可术中追加一次尿道粘膜麻醉剂,同时向尿道内注入无菌石蜡油10ml继续取石则可成功。 The author of 105 cases of urethral stone in patients with stone technology improved. Methods: Anterior urethral calculi who take supine or sitting, urethral calculi who take the left lateral position. Conventional disinfection shop towels, urethral injection of 0.5% tetracaine 2ml for surface anesthesia, the surgeon wearing sterile gloves, the biliary lithotomy with sterile paraffin oil, slowly inserted into the urethra, when the pliers hit the stones Slightly open the clamp teeth to clamp the front of the stone, a little slow rotation out. Urethral calculus is not easy to clamp, the following methods should be used: The surgeon with the right hand holding forceps, left hand or assistant wearing a glove with the index finger against the Ministry of the urethra into the urethra, urethral soft oral dilatation agent (dexamethasone 4mg, Gentamicin 40,000 units, 1% procaine 10ml mixture) filling the urethra. Stones taken in the process of rectal finger to help fix the stone and sent to the patella fossa, the right hand will clamp the pliers around the stone slowly remove the rotating. Difficult to remove those who can be operatively added urethral mucosa anesthesia, while injecting sterile urethane 10ml paraffin oil to continue the stone can be successful.
目的 了解高职高专医学院校学生语言运用现状,探究学生在语言运用上出现问题的原因.方法 选取山东医学高等专科学校2011级和2012级护理专业、涉外护理专业、助产专业373名学
目的 建立高效液相色谱法测定菊花和咽炎口含片中绿原酸含量. 方法 色谱柱为Diamonsil C18 (5 μm,150 mm×4.6 mm),乙腈-0.05%磷酸水溶液(5.5:94.5)为流动相,328 nm为检测波
目的 探究“国家大学生创新性实验计划”中指导教师方面存在的问题,分析其原因并提出改进措施.方法 自编调查问卷,对武汉大学医学部参加过国家大学生创新性实验计划的110名医