The Worlds of Fact and Fiction in The French Lieutenant's Woman

来源 :读与写(教育教学刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zane11th
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Structuralism provides people with an effective solution in their constant quest of meaning. Readers and literary writers as well may make meaning out of a literary text with the concept of binary opposition, such as “fact / fiction”. The author analyses the novel and points out that the “fact / fiction” opposition existing in the main characters, and that Mr. Fowles cleverly takes advantage of the opposition and leave the quest of fact to the readers, thus creating a more “factual” world in the story. Structuralism provides people with an effective solution in their constant quest of meaning. Readers and literary writers as well may make meaning out of a literary text with the concept of binary opposition, such as as “fact / fiction”. The author analyzes the novel and points out that the “fact / fiction ” opposition existing in the main characters, and that Mr. Fowles cleverly takes advantage of the opposition and leave the quest of fact to the readers, thus creating a more “factual ” world in the story.
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