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今年巴彦淖尔盟在乌兰布和沙漠东部边缘的黄河沿岸上,用安二型飞机一架,从6月4日起,到6月22日止,历经十八天,共完成播种面积六十余万亩,超额50%完成了任务。今年飞播较去年提高效率90%,降低飞播成本32%,相当于去年两架安二型飞机的工作量,并在6月22日创造日播八万四千九百亩的全国最高纪录,为去年日播最高纪录三万三千亩的2.57倍。取得这些新的成绩,主要由于党的正确领导、全体空勘、地勘、机场工作人员鼓足了干劲,发挥了智慧,不断革新的 This year, Bayannaoir League, on the coast of the Yellow River on the eastern edge of Ulan Buh Desert, uses an A-2 aircraft. Starting from June 4 to June 22, a total of six seeding areas More than ten acres, more than 50% completed the task. This year, the number of airborne satellites increased by 90% over the previous year and the cost of transmitting satellites reduced by 32%, which is equivalent to the workload of two An-2 aircraft last year. On June 22, China created the national record of 84,900 mu on a day-to-day basis. Last year’s highest broadcast 2.57 times the 33,000 acres. Achievements of these new achievements were mainly due to the correct leadership of the Party, all aerial survey and geological survey, and the airport staffs drove their energies to full play and witnessed wisdom and continuous reform
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我场系黄土丘陵地带,海拔高610米左右,坡度4——5 度,土壤属碳酸盐栗钙土、很瘠薄,酸碱度7.5——8.4。气候变化无常,冬季严寒,夏季酷热,无霜期105天左右,年平均风速3——4米
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