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为了解山东省2011年分离的1株脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)疫苗高变异株的基因特征,并对该病例接触者标本进行病原学鉴定及分析。本研究对采集的2份病例及40份接触者粪便标本进行病毒分离,对脊灰病毒进行全基因组序列测定和分析,对非脊灰肠道病毒进行VP1区序列测定,并将分离率较高的柯萨奇病毒(Coxsackievirus,CV)B1和CV-B3与国内外其他地区分离株进行VP1区同源性及系统进化树分析。其中病例标本中分离到1株脊灰病毒(P1/11186),1株CV-A4和1株CV-A8;接触者标本中分离到1株CV-A2、10株CV-B1、5株CV-B3和埃可病毒(Echovirus,E)3型、12型、14型各1株,提示当地可能存在肠道病毒流行,应加强监测。P1/11186为Ⅰ型脊灰疫苗病毒,在2A及3A区分别与Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型脊灰病毒发生重组,与相应的疫苗株相比全基因组共有25个核苷酸、9个氨基酸发生变异,其中VP1区8个核苷酸、5个氨基酸发生突变。CV-B1和CV-B3的同源性分析显示10株CVB1之间核苷酸同源性为97.0%~100%,氨基酸同源性为98.9%~100%;5株CV-B3之间核苷酸与氨基酸同源性分别为92.6%~100%与99.2%~100%。CV-B1与CV-B3VP1完整编码区进化树分析显示,山东分离株与国内其他省份分离株亲缘关系较近,位于同一基因簇,与世界其他地区分离株位于不同分支。 In order to understand the genetic characteristics of a poliovirus (poliovirus) highly variant strain isolated in Shandong province in 2011, etiological identification and analysis of the contact samples of this case were carried out. In this study, we isolated two collected cases and 40 contacts of stool specimens for virus isolation, genome-wide sequencing and analysis of poliovirus, VP1 region sequence analysis of non-polio enterovirus and high isolation rate Coxsackievirus (CV) B1 and CV-B3 were used to analyze the homology and phylogenetic tree of VP1 region with other isolates at home and abroad. One poliovirus (P1 / 11186), one CV-A4 and one CV-A8 were isolated from the specimens. One CV-A2, 10 CV-B1 and five CVs were isolated from the contact samples -B3 and Echovirus (E) type 3, 12 and 14 strains each, suggesting that there may be a prevalence of enterovirus in the local area and the surveillance should be strengthened. P1 / 11186 is a type I poliovirus, which is recombined with type II and type III poliovirus in 2A and 3A respectively. Compared with the corresponding vaccine strains, there are 25 nucleotides in total genome and 9 amino acids in total , Of which 8 nucleotides in VP1 region and 5 amino acids were mutated. The homology analysis of CV-B1 and CV-B3 showed that the nucleotide homology of the 10 CVB1 strains was 97.0% -100% and the amino acid homology was 98.9% -100%. Among the 5 CVB3 nuclei The nucleotide and amino acid homologies were 92.6% -100% and 99.2% -100%, respectively. The phylogenetic tree analysis of the complete coding region of CV-B1 and CV-B3VP1 showed that Shandong isolates were close to the isolates from other provinces in China and located in the same gene cluster, which were located in different branches with other isolates in the world.
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