
来源 :中国石油 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crackerking
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6月份成品油市场在经历了5月初夏的炎热之后,市场如天气变化一般,伴随着由南到北的一场连绵阴雨,一度火爆的市场像被泼了一瓢冷水,雨雾笼罩。 月初,在成品油价格调整前,大部分地区汽、柴油价格稳中有升,个别地区甚至出现柴油资源紧张,价格大幅度攀升的局面。6月5日国家计委成品油价格调整通知下发,汽、柴油中准价格分别上调190元/吨和130元/吨。价格调整后,由于市场有效需求不足,加上用户对价格大幅度调整并不认同,市场观望气氛浓厚,市场反映冷淡,尤其是由于汽油资源充裕,库存居高不下,大部分地区汽油价格没有 After experiencing the hot summer heat in early summer in June, the market changed like the weather. With the continuous rain from south to north, the once-hot market was flooded with rain and fog. In early January, before the price adjustment of refined oil products, the prices of gasoline and diesel in most regions were steadily rising. In some areas, there was even a shortage of diesel oil resources and a sharp price increase. June 5 State Development Planning Commission issued a notice of adjustment of refined oil prices, gasoline and diesel are expected to raise prices were 190 yuan / ton and 130 yuan / ton. Price adjustment, due to lack of effective market demand, coupled with the user does not agree with a substantial price adjustment, the market waiting to see a strong atmosphere, the market reflects the cold, especially due to abundant gas resources, high inventories, gasoline prices in most areas
1998年全国疾病监测年报显示 ,支气管肺癌的死亡率较 1991年有较大幅度上升。 1991年时的肺癌死亡率为 14 4 7/ 10万 ,而 1998年则增至 2 0 0 7/ 10万 ,较 1991年上升了 38
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