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Located in the middle part of Fujian province and the lower reaches of Mulanxi, Putian is famous for its riclmess in lichees and has long been known as a land of historical documents. Though the sculptures of arts and crafts in Putian were popular as early as the end of the Qing dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the works were mainly furniture carvings and Buddhist statues. They were exquisite and vivid, but their influence could only be felt by the nearly regions and the production scale was small. It is only after 1949, especially 1956 when veteran artisans in Putian established Putian Arts and Crafts Factory (now Putian No. 1 Arts and Crafts Factory) that the sculptural technique of Putian has begun to present a new look. Since China’s economic reform and opening to the outside world, the sculptures of arts and crafts in Putian have witnessed an increasing growth and the artistry has also made steady improvement due to the efforts of the old, the middle-aged and the young artisans o Located in the middle part of Fujian province and the lower reaches of Mulanxi, Putian is famous for its riclmess in lichees and has long been known as a land of historical documents. Though the sculptures of arts and crafts in Putian were popular as early as the end of the Qing dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the works were mainly furniture carvings and Buddhist statues. They were influence could only be felt by the nearly regions and the production scale was small. It is only after 1949, especially 1956 when veteran artisans in Putian established Putian Arts and Crafts Factory (now Putian No. 1 Arts and Crafts Factory) that the sculptural technique of Putian has begun to present a new look. Since China’s economic reform and opening to the outside world, the sculptures of arts and crafts in Putian have witnessed an increasing growth and the artistry has also made steady steady due to the efforts of the old, the middle-aged and th e young artisans o
①有人问了一个问题:现在实体书店举步维艰,如果我去实体书店,看中一本书,回到家里找了个打折的网上书店把书买了,这算不算不道德?  ②我是从来不会这样做的。我是个急性子,看到什么好书,直接拿到柜台去付款,一分钟不到它就是我的了,十分钟不到我就可以捧在手里读。我逛书店已经付出了时间成本,没必要再网购多付出一次。书店售价和网络打折的差价,不足以弥补这个成本。有这点时间,我可以做更有意义的事。  ③但我从
改良快蓝焦油固紫(Luxol Fast Blue—CresylViloet)染色是根据Diamond法改良而建立的联合染色方法.可以同时在一张切片上观察神经细胞、神经胶质细胞和髓等结构.该方法具有两
三十三年前,世界离我们很远,台湾还很安静无知的时候。我们三位才十七八岁的高中生刚刚编完校刊,靠着写了大量的稿子领到一笔小财富,正想拿这些稿费来做点什么轰轰烈烈的壮举,我提议说:“我们去台南吧。”  为什么是台南?那是为了一家传说中的书店的缘故。那是上世纪70年代初期,台湾的书店景观里还没有金石堂、诚品这样响当当的名字。我居住成长的乡下,书店只有两家,卖的书更是少得可怜。等我来到邻近的大城台中读书,
N 和 Ti 注入 TiN 的射程和损伤已在本文中给出。N 和 Ti 注入 TiN 使其颜色发生了变化。试验结果表明,N 和 Ti 注入 TiN 均能使 TiN 的硬度增加.特别是 N 注入使注入层硬度