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蒋经国到台湾后,1972年任“行政院”院长,1975年任国民党中央委员会主席,1978年当上台湾领导人。蒋经国在台湾打老虎、拍苍蝇的典型战役,发生在萧政之等人身上。萧政之曾服侍蒋氏父子长达30多年。在大陆时期,经蒋介石钦点,萧以不到30岁之龄出任江苏崇明县长。到台后,在蒋经国拔擢下,萧是最年轻的“总政战部”一处处长,而后历任“宪兵政战”主任、“联勤政战”主任等职。1970年8月,台湾“中华电视台”开设筹备处。经“总政战部主任”王升、参谋总长高魁元等人出面疏通,蒋经国同意由萧出任华视副总经理。 After Chiang Ching-kuo came to Taiwan, he became the dean of the “Executive Yuan” in 1972, the chairman of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang in 1975, and the leader of Taiwan in 1978. Chiang Ching-kuo in Taiwan hit the tiger, a typical flies shot battle took place in Xiao Zheng and others. Xiao Zhengzhi served Chiang’s father and son for more than 30 years. During the mainland period, Chiang Kai-shek appointed by hand, Xiao less than 30-year-old as Chongming county magistrate. After arriving in Taiwan, under the leadership of Chiang Ching-kuo, Xiao was the youngest director of the “General Political Commissar” and then served as the director of the “Gendarmerie Political Warfare” and the director of the “Joint Political Warfare”. August 1970, Taiwan “China Television ” opened the preparatory office. After “General Political Warfare Department Director ” Wang Sheng, chief of staff Gao Kuiyuan and others come forward to dredge, Chiang Ching-kuo agreed to Xiao as China Television vice president.
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