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本刊自邮局发行以来,印刷份数激增,并在作者们和通讯员的大力支持下,稿件数量有显著增加,质量也有所提高,在此,谨对各位作者和通讯员表示谢意。为了进一步提高刊物质量,调动一切积极因素,特将有关稿件质量与要求,稿酬等公告如下: 一、对文稿质量与书写方面的要求 1.文稿中所涉及的内容应实事求是,技术先进,效果显著,且经过一段时间的生产考验。单位署名者,应加盖公章;个人署名者,作者自负责任;多作者时,应集体通过文稿然后寄发; 2.科技名词、述语应尽量采用已公布的统一名词,避免采用不通用的俗名;同一份文稿内的名词述语应前后统一; 3.计量单位规定公制,并一律采用中文名称,不直接使用外文字母和简号; 4.文稿中的插图不要过大或过小,最大为428×290毫米,最小为30×30毫米;照片图尽可能不用或少用;零、部件名称尽量用数字代号,代号排列要有顺序,指行线不可交叉; Since its publication, the magazine has seen a surge in the number of copies printed. With the strong support of the authors and correspondents, the number of manuscripts has increased significantly and the quality has also been raised. Here, we would like to thank all the authors and correspondents. In order to further improve the quality of publications and to mobilize all positive factors, the announcement and quality of manuscripts and remuneration, etc. are hereby announced as follows: 1. Requirements for the quality and writing of manuscripts 1. The content involved in manuscripts should be realistic, advanced and effective , And after a period of production test. The author of the unit should be stamped with an official seal; individuals with personal signatures, the author responsible; multiple authors, should be adopted collectively and then sent; 2. Scientific and technical terms, rhetoric should be published as far as possible to avoid the use of non common Common name; the same manuscript pronoun should be unified before and after; 3.Metric units of the metric system, and all the Chinese name, do not directly use foreign letters and short codes; 4. Illustrations in the document should not be too large or too small, the largest As 428 × 290 mm, a minimum of 30 × 30 mm; Photo as far as possible without or with less; zero, parts names as far as possible with a numerical code, the code should be arranged in order, that the line can not be crossed;
世界经济进入 1990年代后 ,知识、科学技术和信息以其巨大的威力和难以想象的速度 ,影响着社会经济结构的发展和人们生活方式、价值观念的变革 ,引起企业制度、目标、经营理
前不久,听了长沙市大同小学刘润玉老师一节“同分母带分数加减法”的新授课,发现其教学有一定特色。现将其放学过程与教学特点简介如下: 直接激疑,导入新课教师进入教室,板
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