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目的 为探讨母乳性黄疸 (BMJ)的临床特点 ,治疗和预防措施。方法 对 16 0例母乳性黄疸患儿 ,监测血清胆红素浓度并采取不同的治疗方案。结果 对轻症BMJ暂停母乳 2~ 4d可使胆红素迅速下降 ;对重症BMJ可进行光疗 ,停止母乳喂养与继续喂母乳其胆红素下降无明显差异 ;对重症BMJ不停母乳加服思密达和乐腹康疗效显著。结论 本组资料显示BMJ发生率为 17 0 % ,较前上升 ,考虑这与母乳喂养率提高有关。对重症BMJ进行光疗是安全有效的方法。不中断母乳喂养口服思密达和乐腹康治疗BMJ效果显著 ,减少治疗费用。在预防方面建议降低剖宫产率 ,教育指导产妇增加乳汁分泌 ,必要时可短时期适当给予配方奶喂养。 Objective To investigate the clinical features, treatment and preventive measures of breast milk jaundice (BMJ). Methods 160 cases of breast milk jaundice in children monitoring serum bilirubin concentration and take different treatment options. Results The suspension of breast milk in mild BMJ 2 ~ 4d can rapidly decrease bilirubin; for severe BMJ phototherapy, stop breastfeeding and continue to breast-fed bilirubin there was no significant difference in descending; Mild and Le belly Kang significant effect. Conclusion The data of this group showed that the incidence of BMJ was 17 0%, which was higher than before, considering that this is related to the increase of breast-feeding rate. Phototherapy for critical BMJs is a safe and effective method. Breastfeeding without interruption Oral Smecta and Le Belon Kang treatment BMJ significant effect, reducing treatment costs. Proposed in the prevention of cesarean section to reduce the rate of maternal education to guide the increase in milk secretion, if necessary, may be appropriate to give a short period of formula feeding.
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