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2008年,奥运会将首次在北京举办。云南省拥有丰富的地质地貌景观,从热带雨林到雪山峡谷,从地热温泉到湖泊江河,海拔1500米至2300米的广大红土高原,四季如春,气候宜人。这种独特的地质地貌和气候条件,最适合开展多种体育活动,同时也成为世界著名的高原体育训练基地。云南将结合大众体育健身、高原训练服务和体育竞赛表演的发展,着力打造体育旅游,促进云南旅游业的发展。结合奥运会的举办,云南省旅游局提出了“迎奥运,兴旅游”宣传主题。从2007年开始,我们结合这一主题从世界著名的高原训练基地、民族传统体育、高尔夫球、户外探险运动、汽车越野等方面展示云南的体育旅游。本期将着重介绍世界著名的高原训练基地。高原训练是当今体育运动的高科技技术,对提高体育成绩具有极大的作用。因此,世界各国都很重视高原训练。对云南这块得天独厚的宝地,除了中国各种运动队常年到此训练以外,日本、韩国等国的运动队,甚至世界著名的皇家马德里足球队也经常来这里训练。这应该是高原训练基地的魅力所在,也是体育旅游的魅力所在。 In 2008, the Olympic Games will be held for the first time in Beijing. Yunnan Province has a rich geological landscape, from the rainforest to the snow-capped mountains and valleys, from geothermal springs to lakes and rivers, an altitude of 1500 meters to 2300 meters of the vast red plateau, the four seasons such as spring, the climate is pleasant. This unique geological and climatic conditions, the most suitable for a variety of sports activities, but also become a world-renowned plateau sports training base. In line with the development of mass sports fitness, plateau training services and sports competition performances, Yunnan will strive to create sports tourism and promote the development of Yunnan’s tourism industry. With the holding of the Olympic Games, Yunnan Provincial Tourism Bureau proposed the theme of “Welcome Olympics and Hing Travel”. Starting from 2007, we combine this theme to display sports tourism in Yunnan from the world-famous plateau training base, national traditional sports, golf, outdoor adventure sports and car off-road. This issue will highlight the world famous plateau training base. Plateau training is today’s high-tech sports technology, to improve the sports performance has a tremendous role. Therefore, all countries in the world attach great importance to plateau training. Except for all kinds of sports teams in China who have been training all the year round, the sports teams in Japan and South Korea, and even the world-famous Real Madrid soccer team, often come here for training. This should be the charm of plateau training base, but also the charm of sports tourism.
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空燃比控制机构的开发——(田草川等),工业加热,87/11,№.6,31~36(日文) 在煤气烧嘴空燃比控制方面,最普遍使用的是均压阀的控制方式。它靠导压管把送入烧嘴的空气的压力引到
通过对我院1997-2001级运动训练专业、体育教育专业田径专项学生在标枪教学中发生的运动损伤情况进行调查和研究,提出在标枪技术教学过程中预防运动损伤的建议和意见. Throug