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随着各种传播技术尤其是数字技术和网络技术的迅猛发展,传统媒体受到了空前的冲击并发生了剧烈的应对性变革。新旧媒体的未来走向早已成为全球关注的重要议题。这也为军事电视媒体融合提出了参照与启迪。要关注媒体融合的协同效应,军事电视媒体的融合能够使整个传媒集团所拥有的有限媒体资源实现效益最大化,能够为用户定制更具个性的服务。同时,要关注最新技术动态,为用户带来更真实的感官体验。 With the rapid development of various communication technologies, especially digital technologies and network technologies, the traditional media has suffered unprecedented shocks and drastic changes have taken place. The future of old and new media has long been a major issue of global concern. This also provides a reference and enlightenment for the military television media integration. To focus on the synergy effect of media convergence, the integration of military television media can maximize the benefits of the limited media resources owned by the entire media group, and can customize more personalized services for users. At the same time, we must pay attention to the latest technological developments and bring users a more realistic sensory experience.
苏轼是北宋著名的文学家,同时也是杰出的艺术家。他在前人的基础上以自己独到的见解提出了文人画之说,影响企及整个宋代及其至今。 Su Shi is a famous Northern Song Dynas