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如果说一个人肚里生了虫,你会劝他去看医生。如果说一个人脑里生了虫,你会说这是在骂人呢。可是一块石头生了虫。你就没听说过吧。北京人赵云琛手里就有这么一块石头,不仅生了虫,上面还大大小小盘踞着五六十条之多。据说这块“破石头”可以换10辆“宝马7系”!赵云琛与这块石头结缘纯系偶然,似乎冥冥中自有天注定。如今,赵云琛凭着这块奇石成了行里名声大噪的人物,一时风头无二。成功的公式在他这里遭到了改写。成功=1%的努力+99%的运气! If a person had a worm, you would advise him to see a doctor. If you say that a person has a bug in his brain, you would say it is cursing people. But a stone gave birth to a worm. You have never heard of it. Peking Man Zhao Yunchen hand there is such a stone, not only gave birth to a pest, above also large and small, occupy as many as fifty or sixty. It is said that this piece of “broken stone” can be changed for 10 “BMW 7 Series”! Zhao Yunchen and the stone became attached to purely by chance, it seems that somewhere in the sky. Today, Zhao Yunchen with this piece of stone has become a famous person in the line, for a moment the limelight. The formula for success has been reworked here. Success = 1% effort + 99% luck!
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背景资料:dodolook,赵菲云,英文名 fei yun,同学叫她fei,22岁,最喜欢看的书是《苏菲的世界》,平常有收集东西的习惯,例如:pepsi 罐、毛巾、信纸。没事的话最爱和家人在一起