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坚持创新发展是党的十八届五中全会精神的一大亮点。把握和落实创新发展新理念、新思路、新举措,要在以下七个方面对创新发展目标任务达成共识,做到既保持工作的连续性和稳定性,又体现工作的时代性和创造性。第一、必须培植创新发展各类主体。抓创新就是抓发展,谋创新就是谋未来。不创新就要落后,创新慢了也要落后。“十三五”期间,中国经济发展处于保持经济中高速增长、产业优化升级迈向中高端水平的转型期,有很多发展难题需要破解。面 Insisting on innovation and development is one of the highlights of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. To grasp and implement the new concepts, new ideas and measures for innovation and development, we must reach consensus on the tasks of innovation and development in the following seven aspects so as to maintain the continuity and stability of our work and reflect the times and creativity of our work. First, we must foster innovation and development of various types of actors. To grasp innovation is to grasp development and to seek innovation is to seek the future. It is necessary to lag behind without innovation, and lag behind innovation. During the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, China’s economic development has been in a period of rapid economic growth and industrial optimization and upgrading toward the mid- to high-end level. There are many development problems that need to be solved. surface
The synthesis of dispersions of MMA (methylmethacrylate) with different concentrations of oleic acid coated nano-TiO_2 particles was performed by hydrolysis of
西夏文物的造型、色彩、装饰纹有其独特的艺术风格和鲜明的时代特征,其中花卉纹显得尤为突出。本文就西夏文物中的花卉纹装饰艺术及其渊源谈了自己的观点。 Xixia relics of
Presents the investigation of characteristics of mode separation in typical magnetron cavity for the great importance of precise prediction of mode separation u