Rapid genomic changes in polyploid wheat and related species:implications for genome evolution and g

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A polyploid organism by possessing more than two sets of chromosomes from one species (autopolyploidy) or two or more species (allopolyploidy) is known to have evolutionary advantages. However, by what means a polyploid accommodates increased genetic dosage or divergent genomes (allopolyploidy) in one cell nucleus and cytoplasm constitutes an enormous challenge. Recent years have witnessed efforts and progress in exploring the possible mechanisms by which these seemingly intangible hurdles of polyploidy may be ameliorated or eventually overcome. In particular, the documentation of rapid and extensive non-Mendelian genetic and epigenetic changes that often accompany nascent polyploidy is revealing: the resulting non-additive and novel gene expression at global, regional and local levels, and timely restoration of meiotic chromosomal behavior towards bivalent pairing and disomic inheritance may ensure rapid establishment and stabilization as well as its long-term evolutionary success. Further elucidation on these novel mechanisms underpinning polyploidy will promote our understanding on fundamental issues in evolutionary biology and in our manipulation capacities in future genetic improvement of important crops that are currently polyploids in genomic constitution. This review is intended to provide an updated discussion on these interesting and important issues within the scope of a specific yet one of the most important plant groups-polyploid wheat and its related species. A, polyploid organism by possessing more than two sets of chromosomes from one species (autopolyploidy) or two or more species (allopolyploidy) is known to have evolutionary advantages. However, by what means a polyploid accommodates more possessing more than two sets of chromosomes from possessing more than two sets of chromosomes from both species one cell nucleus and cytoplasm constitutes an enormous challenge. Recent years have witnessed efforts and progress in exploring the possible mechanisms by which these seemingly intangible hurdles of polyploidy may be a merliorated or eventually overcome. In particular, the documentation of rapid and extensive non-Mendelian genetic and epigenetic changes that often accompany nascent polyploidy is revealing: the resulting non-additive and novel gene expression at global, regional and local levels, and timely restoration of meiotic chromosomal behavior towards bivalent pairing and disomic inheritance may ensure rapid establishment and stabilization as well as its long-term evolutionary success. Fu rther elucidation on these novel mechanisms underpinning polyploidy will promote our understanding on fundamental issues in evolutionary biology and in our manipulation capacities in future genetic improvement of important crops that are currently polyploids in genomic constitution. This review is intended to provide an updated discussion on These interesting and important issues within the scope of a specific yet one of the most important plant groups-polyploid wheat and its related species.
摘 要:本文选取的《艾菲·布里斯特》是十九世纪德国批判现实主义的代表作,作者以真实的历史事件为背景,描述了普鲁士贵族少女艾菲的婚姻及其短暂的人生,描写了贵族社会中人与人之间关系的一个重要方面—婚姻关系,剖析了赖以维持这种关系的道德观念的虚伪、过时、陈旧和腐朽,从而对这个社会的价值观和社会道德观念进行了无情的批判。  关键词:价值观;道德规范  作者简介:王娜娜,女,汉族,山东省菏泽市人,北京第二外
关系是亚洲商务文化一种典型的特点。也是关系通常被认为在中国生意成功的“空气和水”。因此,过去许多研究试图阐明关系在实际商务交易中起的作用以及其带来的影响。 本研
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