
来源 :信访与社会矛盾问题研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuni_cn
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我国社会正处于转型期,也是群体性事件的多发期。随着互联网在我国的普及,通过网络关注群体性事件的人越来越多,网络谣言逐渐成为政府处置群体性事件过程中的一个难题。群体性事件中网络谣言的形成有多种原因,主要包括公众对事件信息的特殊需求、真实信息传播不畅、政府公信力下降以及网络监管不力等。网络谣言的传播会掩盖事件真相,扩大事件规模,损害政府形象,对我国社会治理和应急管理工作提出严峻挑战。应对群体性事件中的网络谣言,应建设网络良好生态,发挥网络引导舆论、反映民意的作用,可从政府、媒体、公众三方面入手:以政府为主导,建立网络谣言应急预警和调控机制,完善信息公开制度和网络监管体系;媒体应发挥舆论引导的正能量作用;公众则需提高辨别谣言的能力,增强道德和法律意识等。通过社会各界协同努力,遏制网络谣言的产生和传播。 Our society is in a period of transition and also an episode of mass incidents. With the popularization of the Internet in our country and the increasing number of people concerned with mass incidents through the Internet, rumors of the Internet have gradually become a problem for the government to handle mass incidents. There are many reasons for the formation of cyber rumors in mass incidents, including the special needs of the public for event information, the poor communication of real information, the decline of government credibility and ineffective network supervision. The spread of network rumors will cover up the truth of the incident, expand the scale of the incident and undermine the government image, posing a serious challenge to our social governance and emergency management. Responding to cyber rumors in mass incidents, we should build a good ecology of the Internet, give play to the role of the Internet in guiding public opinions and reflecting public opinions, and start with the government, the media and the public. With the government as the guide, we should establish early warning and regulatory mechanisms for network rumors, Improve the system of information disclosure and network supervision system; the media should play a positive role of public opinion guidance; the public need to improve the ability to identify rumors, enhance moral and legal awareness. Through concerted efforts of all sectors of society, to curb the emergence and spread of online rumors.
奶奶因为不适应这里的环境死了,临死前还给爸爸说:“孩子,有机会要回去,回到我们自己的家去,那才是最美丽的地方……” The grandmother died because she didn’t adapt to
编辑老师: 我原来是老师的红人。老师有什么大小活动都让我参加。后来班里转来了一位女同学,或许她的能力比我强,或许也不是,反正她取代了我。老师慢慢疏远了我,什么事都和
小米老师: 你好!我常困于老师、同学、父母三者的烦恼之间。我总认为他们看不起我,总在嘲笑我。就这样,每当我失误之后,就想逃到一个没有人认识我的地方,去过新的生活。到高