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中国的工人阶级、农民阶级、小资产阶级、民族资产阶级和一切爱国的人民都必须正确地认识美国。过去有些中国人上了美国帝国主义的当,认为中国需要依赖美国,应当把美国当作好朋友,也有人以为美国是个很文明、很民主的国家,中国应该向美国学习,还有人以为美国的力量真是强得很,谁也惹它不起。事实上,亲美的主张是反动的,崇美、恐美的想法也都是错误的。在充分了解了关于美国的真相后,每一个爱国的中国人都应当仇视美国、鄙视美国、蔑视美国!(一)仇视美国,因为它是中国人民的死敌。目前,美国已在公开侵略我国,并且准备对我国实行进一步的侵略:1、美国发动了侵略朝鲜的战争以后,即公开侵占我国的领土台湾,大批的美国军舰、飞机已驻扎到台湾。麦克阿瑟已公开宣布要把台湾变作美国的军事基地。美国的目的就是要使台湾成为侵略中国大陆的跳板。2、美国在朝鲜的侵略日益扩大,美国政府已不顾我国的警告,让美国侵略军越过三八线,逼近我国东北边境。美国在朝鲜的侵略已威胁到我国的安全。美国的计划就是在完全侵占朝鲜以后,进一步侵略我国。一九四八年四月李承晚向美国政府所提出的「韩美同盟条约」草案第一条即说:「双方承认并成立谅解:如果解放战争(按指美国的侵略战 China’s working class, peasant class, petty bourgeoisie, national bourgeoisie and all patriotic people must correctly understand the United States. In the past, some Chinese people went on the course of U.S. imperialism, believing that China needs to rely on the United States, treat the United States as a good friend, and some people think that the United States is a very civilized and democratic country. China should learn from the United States. Others think that the United States The strength is really strong, who can not afford to mess it up. In fact, pro-US opinions are reactionary, and ideas of worshiping beauty and fear of the United States are also wrong. Having fully understood the truth about the United States, every patriotic Chinese should hate the United States, despise the United States and scorn the United States. 1. I hate the United States because it is the sworn enemy of the Chinese people. At present, the United States has openly invaded our country and is ready to carry out further aggression against our country. 1. After the United States launched the war of aggression against North Korea, it publicly occupied Taiwan, a territory of our country, with a large number of U.S. warships. The aircraft have been stationed in Taiwan. MacArthur has publicly announced that it will turn Taiwan into a U.S. military base. The purpose of the United States is to make Taiwan a springboard for invading China. 2. As the United States expands its aggression in North Korea, the U.S. government has disregarded our warning and let the U.S. aggressors cross the 38th parallel and approach the northeast border of our country. The U.S. aggression against North Korea has already threatened the security of our country. The plan of the United States is to further invading our country after completely occupying North Korea. Article 1 of the draft “ROK-US alliance treaty” proposed by Syngman Rhee to the U.S. government in April 1948 states: "The two sides acknowledge and establish an understanding that if the war of liberation (referred to as the U.S. war of aggression
12月2日,一群伊斯兰武装分子在克什米尔南部山区打死7名印度教徒。同日,印度士兵在克什米尔多处地区同伊斯兰武装分子交火,16名伊斯兰武装分子被打死。 “9·11”事件以来,