
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shibaotuan
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目的:了解四川省农村孕妇对出生缺陷一级预防知识的掌握情况,为出生缺陷干预工作中宣传教育的服务方式和内容提供科学依据。方法:利用因子分析方法从4个维度分析研究对象的孕前保健知识水平,通过广义估计方程分析获取知识的途径,并研究知识获取途径、知识掌握水平和教育经历的关系。结果:共选取了四川省8个地区的917例孕妇,优生知识问卷的正确率为65.49%,其中风险预防知识正确率为87.37%,疾病预防知识正确率为58.32%,生育史知识正确率为49.84%,叶酸增补知识正确率为42.02%。没有主动学习优生知识的孕妇中有53.5%认为自己健康,有37.5%是意外怀孕。结论:孕妇的保健知识掌握情况较好,特别是文化水平较高的地区。其中,风险预防知识维度掌握情况较好,在某些方面认识不足(如生育史和叶酸增补方面);选择宣传手册、培训讲座或咨询医生途径获取知识的人群其优生知识水平较高;本科及以上高学历人群与初中及以下低学历人群相比,前者更容易选择这3种途径获取知识。没有主动学习保健知识的最主要原因是认为自己健康。 OBJECTIVE: To understand the mastery of primary prevention knowledge of pregnant women in rural areas in Sichuan province and to provide a scientific basis for the service methods and contents of publicity and education in the intervention work of birth defects. Methods: Factor analysis method was used to analyze the pre-pregnancy health knowledge of the study subjects. The generalized estimation equation was used to analyze the ways of acquiring knowledge and the relationship between the ways of knowledge acquisition, knowledge mastery and education experience. Results: A total of 917 pregnant women in 8 districts of Sichuan Province were selected. The correct rate of eugenics questionnaires was 65.49%, of which the correct rate of risk prevention was 87.37%, the correct rate of disease prevention was 58.32%, the correct rate of knowledge of fertility was 49.84%, folic acid supplement knowledge correct rate was 42.02%. 53.5% of pregnant women who did not take the initiative to learn eugenics thought they were healthy and 37.5% were unwanted pregnancies. Conclusion: Pregnant women have better knowledge of health care, especially those with higher education level. Among them, the knowledge of risk prevention has a good grasp of the dimensions of knowledge, lack of understanding in some aspects (such as the history of birth and folic acid supplements); select brochures, training seminars or consulting doctors access to knowledge of people with higher levels of eugenics knowledge; undergraduate and The above highly educated population and junior high school and below the low education population, the former is more likely to choose these three ways to gain knowledge. The main reason for not taking the initiative to learn health knowledge is to think that you are healthy.