Seize the Opportunity and Make Efforts to Increase Zhejiang's Export of Mechanical and Electric

来源 :China's Foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingofking1
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Zhejiang’s machine-building industryhas made sustained efforts to increase itsexports through the combination ofindustry and trade. In the past decade,Zhejiang’s export volume of mechanicaland electrical products has increased over 10times, becoming the leading exports fromthe province. Zhejiang has thereforebecome an important province exportingmachinery in China. Zhejiang’s machine-building industryhas made sustained efforts to increase its exports through the combination ofindustry and trade. In the past decade,Zhejiang’s export volume of mechanicaland electrical products has increased over 10times, becoming the leading exports from the province. Zhejiang has thereforecome an important items exportingmachinery in China.
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