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对执政党来说,党的基层组织的有效性和战斗力在很大程度上取决于其与中国社会结构之间的内在契合性。社会主义市场经济的发展所带来的中国社会结构的深刻变化,使得党的基层组织与变化的社会结构之间的契合性面临着许多新的挑战。城市基层党建与基层民主建设在实践中所形成的互动关系,为重建党的基层组织和变化的社会结构之间的新型关系提供了可能。正是在这个意义上,城市基层党建的价值走向和目标选择,必须基于推进基层党建与基层民主建设之间的良性互动来确立,这也是中国政治发展的新生长点。在这个基本判断的基础上,本文着重分析推进城市基层党组织先进性建设的基本路径。 For the ruling party, the effectiveness and combat effectiveness of the party’s grassroots organizations depend to a large extent on the inherent compatibility with the social structure of China. The profound changes in China’s social structure brought about by the development of the socialist market economy have made many new challenges to the compatibility between the party’s grassroots organizations and the changing social structure. The interaction between the grass-roots party-building in the city and the building of grassroots-level democracy in practice has provided the possibility for a new type of relationship between the grassroots organizations in the party and the changing social structure. It is in this sense that the value orientation and target choice of the urban grassroots party building must be based on the positive interaction between promoting grassroots party building and grassroots democracy building. This is also the new growth point of China’s political development. Based on this basic judgment, this article focuses on the analysis of the basic path of advancing the construction of the advanced nature of urban grass-roots party organizations.
A new perylene diimide (PDI) ligand (1) functionalized with a dipicolylethylenediamine (DPEN) moiety was synthesized and first used as a colorimetric and fluoro
第一部分 缺锌对哮喘大鼠气道炎症的影响 目的:探讨缺锌对哮喘大鼠气道炎症的影响。方法:SD大鼠32只,按体重随机分为四组,每组8只。A组为缺锌饲料+卵清蛋白(OVA)激发组;B组