被杀47年后 切·格瓦拉遗体照片首曝光

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日前,西班牙里克拉市官员阿特亚加在整理其叔叔路易斯·夸尔特罗·拉彼萨的遗物时,发现了8张从未发表过的格瓦拉被行刑后的遗照。这些照片是法新社当年驻玻利维亚的杰出记者、法国人马克·胡滕拍摄的遗体照,照片上格瓦拉遗体上还残留着泥土。据西班牙《先锋报》11月17日报道,路易斯·夸尔特罗20世纪60年代在玻利维亚传教,将这些照片带到了西班牙,他已于2012年去世。 Recently, Ataturk, an officer in the city of Rikula, discovered the remains of eight never-released Guevara prisoners as he sorted out the remains of his uncle Luis Quartetra Rapalza. These photos are still photographs taken by the Frenchman Marc Hutten, an outstanding reporter of Bolivarians of AFP in the same year, on the remains of the remains of Guevara. According to the Spanish “Herald” reported on November 17, Luis? Qualuo Luo in the 1960s missionary in Bolivia, these photos will be brought to Spain, he died in 2012.
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