Development of suburb farm landscape in the process of urban-rural overall planning from the perspec

来源 :Ecological Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a596298067
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With the accelerating development of Chinese urbanization and the widening gap between rural and urban areas,urban-rural overall planning is to be an inevitable choice for economic and social development.However,the specific patterns and methods in urban-rural overall planning are greatly different.From the persperctive of ecological economy,taking the main physical and biological pattern of the farmland as research objects,this paper analyzes the components and characteristics of farm landscape,the relationship between farm landscape exploitation and rural tourism,and the role of farm landscape exploitation in planning urban and rural development.It expatiates on the pattern,method and principle of farm landscape development.Furthermore,based on the actual development case,this paper explores how to make high-grade tourism products with scientific and reasonable farm landscape development method,how to increase peasant income,how to improve urban and rural ecological economic environment,so as to promote urban-rural overall planning. With the accelerating development of Chinese urbanization and the widening gap between rural and urban areas, urban-rural overall planning is to be an inevitable choice for economic and social development. However, the specific patterns and methods in urban-rural overall planning are greatly different .From the persperctive of ecological economy, taking the main physical and biological pattern of the farmland as research objects, this paper analyzes the components and characteristics of farm landscape, the relationship between farm landscape exploitation and rural tourism, and the role of farm landscape exploitation in planning urban and rural development. It expatiates on the pattern, method and principle of farm landscape development. Future and based on the actual development case, this paper explores how to make high-grade tourism products with scientific and reasonable farm landscape development method, how to increase peasant income, how to improve urban and rural ecological economic environm ent, so as to promote urban-rural overall planning.
大众汽车公司在正式投放帕萨特 W8轿车的同时,推出了一种 W型新系列发动机,发动机排量为4L,结构呈 W型。这使大型发动机装入较短的轿车成为可能。从大众公司走过的
呼和浩特国民经济增长速度曾连续7年在全国27个省会城市中位居第一,这座城市还有“中国乳都”之称,中国每两杯牛奶中就有一杯产自这里。只要找对了路子和方法,呼和浩特无疑是一座蕴含着巨大潜力与爆发力的城市,短短几年间,昔日“小嘎查”便华丽转身,成为魅力青城,就是最好的佐证。  发展再快的城市也会在跑步前进的过程中遇到羁绊,在为呼市“补齐短板”的过程中,城市决策者意识到, “资源环境、投资环境,都是第二位
“五一”长假一过,孩子们盼望的“六一”儿童节马上就到了。为此,本刊特请中国人民公安大学的王大伟教授为小朋友们见招拆招,做为儿童节礼物送给本刊的小读者。 “May Day”