
来源 :中国画画刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chyo
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概览近现代山水画史,写生是其中特别突出的变革取径。山水画家们通过写生收集素材或对景创作,留下了许多题材鲜活的作品。这些作品生动传神,充满生活的气息,也给人们留下了深刻的印象,成为一种时代的特色。画家黄宾虹、傅抱石、李可染、陆俨少、石鲁、关山月、黎雄才、钱松喦、宋文治等人都有过对自然饱游饫看、深入体察的经历。傅抱石、李可染、钱松喦等更是以实境写生为创作基点的画家,写生在他们的艺术创作中起着举足轻重的作用。但在20世纪80年代后,中国画界受到“85美术新潮”的冲击和反弹,山水画实境写生的传统渐次淡褪,画家逐渐褪回到 Overview History of modern landscape painting, sketching is one of the most prominent changes in the path taken. Landscape painters through the sketch to collect material or creation of the King, leaving many fresh works of the subject matter. Vivid and vivid, full of life atmosphere, these works have also left a deep impression on people and become a characteristic of the times. Painters Huang Binhong, Fu Baoshi, Li Keran, Lu Yanshao, Shi Lu, Guan Shanyue, Li Xiongcai, Qian Songyan, Song Wenzhi and others have had a full view of nature and have a deeper insight into the experience. Fu Baoshi, Li Keran, Qian Songyan and so on are more realistic portraits for the creative point of the painter, painting in their artistic creation plays a decisive role. However, after the 1980s, the Chinese painting community was shocked and rebounded by the “85 Art Trendy”, the tradition of landscape painting gradually faded, and the painter gradually faded back to
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加强果园的春季管理,对增强果树树势,提高产品产量与质量至关重要。生产实践证明,要搞好果园的春季管理,一般应重点抓好以下三项措施: 一、推广穴施肥水、地膜覆盖新技术。
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