深化油藏认识 搞好油藏改造

来源 :内蒙古石油化工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yczcjlk
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濮城油田沙二上 4-7油藏注采井网不完善 ,井况差 ,层间差异大 ,油层物性差 ,为此进行剩余油研究 ,确定剩余油集中分布在断层边角 ,注采井网不完善的井区 ,通过油井转注完善注采井网。对油井进行压裂改造 ,提高油藏水驱控制程度 The well 4-7 reservoir in Pucheng Oilfield Sha-2 reservoir is imperfect, with poor well conditions, large difference between layers and poor reservoir properties. To do this, the remaining oil was studied to determine the remaining oil concentration in the corner of the fault, Imperfect wells well area, improve the injection well pattern through the well. Oil fracturing to improve the degree of reservoir water control
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