
来源 :丹东海工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xcgxcgxcg
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我们的家乡丹东,沿海、沿江,是祖国最大的边境城市。随着经济、人口发展以及特殊的地理位置,国务院已批准将安民-浪头一带开发为丹东的新城市区,这将有力地推进和实施东北老工业基地振兴和实施省政府提出的打造“五点一线”沿海经济带的战略构想及市委确定的把丹东建成中国东部现代化沿海港口城市的发展战略目标。为搞好丹东新城市区的规划建设,结合地震地质工作研究,本文提出了开展地震安全性评价,注意地震、气象引发的海啸灾害,以及开发地下层压水、注意地表水污染和工程地基沙土液化等建议。 Our hometown of Dandong, along the coast and along the Yangtze River, is the largest border city in the motherland. With economic and demographic development and special geographical location, the State Council has approved the development of the Anmin-Langtou area as a new urban area in Dandong, which will vigorously promote and implement the revitalization of the old industrial base in Northeast China and the implementation of the plan proposed by the provincial government Point line "strategic concept of the coastal economic belt and the strategic objectives set by the municipal party committee to establish Dandong into a modern coastal port city in eastern China. In order to do a good job in the planning and construction of Dandong New Urban Area and the research of seismic geology work, this paper puts forward some suggestions for earthquake safety evaluation, attention to the earthquake and meteorological tsunami disaster, and the development of underground pressure water, pay attention to surface water pollution and construction foundation sand Liquefaction and other suggestions.
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本文介绍了在 WINDOWS环境下,采用 VB6语言开发色谱工作站的原理、功能与硬件结构,并介绍了用于色谱分析的几个重要软件算法。 This paper introduces the principle, function and hard
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