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国人向有扎堆儿的毛病,几只剌猬或几十只螃蟹不怕扎着也非得凑到一起,无非是一个利字。即使一向立在时代浪头上的IT人也未能脱俗。最近大伙儿几乎同时在一堆骨头里发现了即时通讯(IM)这块肥肉,尽管它旁边早有QQ、MSN等几头猛兽“吃并猛盯着”,但依然挡不住后来者分肥的激情和打 People have to get together child’s problems, a few hedgehogs or dozens of crabs are not afraid to get together also have to get together, is nothing more than a lexicon. Even IT people, who have always been on the forefront of the times, have not been able to refrain. Recently, most guys discovered IM in a pile of bones almost at the same time. Although it has a few beasts like QQ and MSN next to it eating and staring hard, it still can not stop the latter Fat passion and fight
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49中国海军“烟台”级补给船@凌翔 49 Chinese Navy “Yantai” level supply ship @ Ling Xiang
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Information on pedestrian-level wind(PLW)speed for wind comfort assessment can be obtained by wind-tunnel measurements or Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD)simul
笔者最近下载了MSN Messenger 6.1,在安装时遇到“1601”错误代码错误的提示(见图1), I recently downloaded MSN Messenger 6.1, encountered in the installation of “1