写书推广水利建设的先进经验介绍《要使山为 水低头》等四本书

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在一九五八年农田水利建设大跃进中,广大群众发扬了敢想、敢说、敢做的革命风格,创造了比较全面的系统的治水治山经验,大大地发展了水利科学技术。实现山区水利化和消除平原低洼地区的涝灾是我国农田水利建设中的两项重要任务。山区和半山区约占我国总面积的80%左右,山区农林牧及土特产丰富,而且有极多的宝贵矿藏,发展多种经济的潜力极大,但是水利基础比较薄弱,干早、山洪和水土流失的灾害比较严重,有些地方连人畜饮水都很困难,因此,兴修水利、保持水土是发展山区生产的生命线。我国平原低洼易涝地区面积约四亿亩,土质肥沃,交通便利,是良好的农业基地,但在汛期受着洪涝威胁,农产量较低而且不够稳定。解放后,党在领导群众治理涝灾上,曾作了很多努力,取得了显著的成绩,但在工作方法上,有经验也有教训,通过一九五八年的群众水 In the Great Leap Forward in Farmland Water Conservancy Construction in 1958, the masses carried forward the revolutionary style of dare to think, dare to say and dare to do, and created a comparatively comprehensive and systematic experience of water treatment and harnessing and greatly improved the science and technology of water conservancy. Achieving water conservancy in mountainous areas and eliminating floods in low-lying plain areas are two important tasks in the construction of farmland and water conservancy. The mountainous and semi-mountainous areas account for about 80% of the total area in our country. There are abundant farming, forestry, husbandry, and native products in mountainous areas. There are also a great many precious deposits and great potentials for developing various kinds of economy. However, the foundation of water conservancy is relatively weak. Soil and water loss is more serious. In some places it is very difficult to drink water even for livestock and poultry. Therefore, water conservancy and water conservation are the lifeline for developing mountainous areas. China’s plain low-lying flood-prone area of ​​about 400000000 acres, fertile soil, convenient transportation, is a good agricultural base, but in the flood season threatened by floods, the yield is low and not stable enough. After the liberation, the party made a lot of efforts in leading the masses in handling floods and achieved remarkable results. However, there are lessons learned in the working methods and through the mass water of 1958
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