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本刊1993年第10期登出《小议〈数学竞赛教程〉》后,没想到会收到全国十几个省的几十封来信,限于实际困难,只能统一作答如下: (1)许多同行对建设《数学竞赛学》表示了浓烈的兴趣与高度的评价,实在令笔者欢欣鼓舞,为了使感谢不停留在口头或礼仪上,一方面我将加快这方面工作的进程,另一方面也邀请这些有兴趣的同行参加到这个工作中来。 (2)还有一批读者向我提出了好些与数学竞赛有关的理论问题与组织问题,鉴于我没有“好为人师”的习惯,我只能说,有的已经写进书里。请读者自己看;有的则作为“习题”提出来,需要进一步研究才能问答。 (3)对于要求邮购该书的读者,我已委托有关同志一一满足,请查收。尚未收到的,可来信告诉我。 After the publication of “The Mathematics Tutorial Competition” published on the 10th issue of the Journal in 1993, I did not expect to receive dozens of letters from more than a dozen provinces across the country. Due to practical difficulties, only unified answers are as follows: (1) Many My peers expressed their keen interest and high appraisal of building Mathematical Contest, which really cheered the author. In order to make gratitude not stop on the verbal or etiquette, on the one hand I will speed up the progress of this work, on the other hand, Invite these interested colleagues to participate in this work. (2) There are also a number of readers who have proposed to me some theoretical and organizational issues related to the math contest. Given that I do not have the habit of “being a good teacher”, I can only say that some have already been written into the book. Ask the readers to see for themselves; others as “exercise” put forward, need further study to ask questions and answers. (3) For readers who requested the mail-order of the book, I have entrusted the relevant comrades to meet them one by one. Please check. If you have not yet received it, please let me know.
1 氢气氯气混和爆炸实验 1.1 实验装置 如图1所示。 1.2 操作步骤 在食盐水电解器中加入15mL饱和食盐水,并滴加 1 Hydrogen Chlorine Mixed Explosion Experiment 1.1 Expe
高中《生物》课本中对蒸腾作用产生的拉力未作深入阐述,为了使学生能够观察到蒸腾拉力的现象和大小,笔者设计了如下实验装置。 1 材料用具 棉花带叶枝条、铁架台、滴定管夹
<正> 数学概念通常是以定义的形式表述的,因此利用定义解题能沟通数学问题内在的本质属性,常常能达到化繁为简、化难为易的效果。本文分类举例说明定义在解题中的运用。 1.利
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分析了DF8B型机车运用途中因柴油机停车电磁阀故障造成柴油机停机的原因,制定了防范措施。 The reasons for the diesel engine stopping caused by the failure of the die