Comparison of computer photoscreening with non cycloplegic retinoscopy for amblyopiogenic risk f

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To determine the sensitivity and specificity of using a computer photoscreener and non cycloplegic retinoscopy in the detection of amblyopiogenic factors in nine to fifty months old infants and children Methods Three hundred children, nine to fifty months old, were screened with the computer photoscreener and non cycloplegic retinoscopy With a blinded standardized clinical assessment as the standard, an overall comparison of the sensitivity of and specificity results obtained with the two techniques was made Photoscreen images on the computer monitor screen were reviewed and analyzed immediately by two independent observers for indicators of amblyopiogenic risk factors Simultaneously, the results were compared to the findings of a full ophthalmologic examination Results The computer photoscreener revealed a sensitivity of 94 6% and specificity of 90 1%, and the non cycloplegic retinocopy revealed a sensitivity of 85 7% and specificity of 81 0% for the detection of amblyopiogenic risk factors, including hyperopia (+2 75 D or more), myopia (-1 50 D or more), astigmatism (1 75 D or more), anisometropia (2 00 D or more), ocular misalignment (5 degrees or more), and media opacity (1 5?mm or more) Conclusions The computer photoscreener offers an opportunity to identify problems that limit vision, and could provide a feasible and sufficiently reliable screening technique in infants and preschool children to be screened successfully for amblyopiogenic risk factors To determine the sensitivity and specificity of using a computer photoscreener and non cycloplegic retinoscopy in the detection of amblyopiogenic factors in nine to fifty months old infants and children Methods Three hundred children, nine to fifty months old, were screened with the computer photoscreener and non cycloplegic retinoscopy With a blinded standardized clinical assessment as the standard, an overall comparison of the sensitivity of and specificity results obtained with the two techniques was made Photoscreen images on the computer monitor screen were reviewed and analyzed immediately by two independent observers for indicators ofmblymblygenic risk factors Simultaneously, the results were compared to the findings of a full ophthalmologic examination Results The computer photoscreener revealed a sensitivity of 94 6% and specificity of 90 1%, and the non cycloplegic retinocations revealed a sensitivity of 85 7% and specificity of 81 0% for the detection of amblyopiogenic risk factors including hyperopia (+2 75 D or more), myopia (-150 D or more), astigmatism (1 75 D or more), anisometropia (2000 D or more), ocular misalignment (5 degrees or more ), and media opacity (1 5? mm or more) Conclusions The computer photoscreener offers an opportunity to identify problems that limit vision, and could provide a feasible and sufficient reliable screening technique in infants and preschool children to be screened successfully for amblyopiogenic risk factors
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