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我国经济发展历史地形成了具有一定区域差别的区域经济格局,而这种差距的存在仍有进一步扩大化的趋势。尽管我们在经济建设中把缩小区域差距作为长期坚持的一项基本方针,但实践的发展并不象我们所期望的那样。由于黑龙江地处边远,加之在改革开放的十几年中国有企业改革的困难,使得我省的经济发展受到很大的影响。近两年的粮食流通体制改革、粮食价格连续走低也在一定程度上影响了龙江经济的发展。目前,中国仍处于产业结构调整与区域产业布局调整的活跃初期,但就国家计委投资所的分析表明:未来我国经济东重西轻的格局不会发生明显的变化;主要优先增长的行业优势区位大多分布在东部地区,结构变动的结果仍将是强化东部地区的份额。与此同时,我们还应该看到中国经济尚未发展到威廉姆森所述的倒“U”型的顶点,区域差距继续扩大的趋势不可避免。随着1998年中国经济加大了刺激内需的力度,大规模的基础产业投资将在一定程度上带动中西部地区的经济发展。因此,如何把握这一有利时机,制定切实可行的符合本地区经济发展的经济发展战略,是关系到龙江经济发展大局的事情。我们认为在调整和制定龙江经济发展战略时要注意以下几个方面。 China’s economic development has historically formed a regional economic pattern with certain regional differences. However, the existence of such a gap still tends to be further magnified. Although we have taken narrowing the regional disparity in economic construction as a long-held basic principle, the development of practice is not as expected. Since Heilongjiang is located in a remote area, combined with the difficulties of enterprise reform in China over the past decade of reform and opening up, the economic development of our province has been greatly affected. The reform of the grain circulation system in the past two years and the continuous decrease in grain prices have also affected the economic development of Longjiang to a certain extent. At present, China is still in an active initial stage of adjustment of industrial structure and adjustment of regional industrial layout. However, an analysis on the investment decisions of the State Development Planning Commission shows that there will be no obvious change in the economic structure in the future; the dominant industrial sectors with the major priority growth Mostly located in the eastern region, the result of structural changes will continue to strengthen the eastern region’s share. At the same time, we should also see that the Chinese economy has not yet reached the culmination of the inverted “U” shape described by Williamson. The inevitable trend of regional disparities continues to widen. With the intensification of the Chinese economy in stimulating domestic demand in 1998, a large-scale investment in basic industries will, to a certain extent, drive the economic development in the central and western regions. Therefore, how to grasp this favorable opportunity and formulate a practical economic development strategy in line with the economic development in the region is a matter that concerns the overall economic development of Longjiang. We think we should pay attention to the following aspects when adjusting and formulating the economic development strategy of Longjiang.