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在传统的外语课堂教学过程中,多数时间都在进行以教师为主体的单纯的知识讲述,学生处在被动记忆地位,对所授知识的吸收接纳结果非常有限。现阶段的大学教育,随着社会发展对语言应用要求的进一步加深,比起单纯解释词汇和教授语法的传统式教学法,在课堂教学中愈来愈倾向于以学生作为教学主体,通过使学生参与到语言实践过程中来,从而培养学生对语言的学习和运用能力。最终教学目的则是通过授课来提高学生在现实生活中能够根据需要,在不同的语境下运用外语直接进行交际的能力,因而交际能力的培养也被确立为高校外语教学的最终目标。作为高校外语教学工作者,如何在教学工作中使用适当的教学方法来有效地组织教学过程,使学生更好地达到学以致用的最终目的,如何界定和培养学生的交际能力,便具有了非常重要的意义。 In the traditional foreign language teaching process, most of the time teachers are the main body of pure knowledge about the students in a passive memory status, the absorption of the knowledge given admitting results are very limited. At this stage of university education, with the social development of language application requirements further deepened, compared to the simple explanation of vocabulary and teaching grammar of traditional teaching methods, more and more tend to be in the classroom teaching to students as the main teaching, through the students Participate in the process of language practice, so as to cultivate students’ ability to learn and use language. The purpose of the final teaching is to improve students’ abilities of using foreign language to communicate directly in different contexts according to their needs and needs in real life. Therefore, the cultivation of communicative competence has also been established as the ultimate goal of foreign language teaching in colleges and universities. As the foreign language teaching workers in colleges and universities, how to use the appropriate teaching methods in teaching to organize the teaching process effectively so that students can achieve the ultimate goal of learning effectively and how to define and cultivate students’ communicative competence, Significance.
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