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2005年5月,山东省委、省政府召开的全省旅游发展大会明确提出,要抓住机遇,乘势而上,努力把山东建设成为旅游经济强省,力争用10年左右时间,使山东旅游经济总量、旅游接待规模、旅游服务质量、旅游发展环境进入全国前列,把山东建设成为旅游形象鲜明、特色突出、结构合理、环境优美、设施完善的中国重点旅游区、国际观光与休闲度假旅游目的地。全省上下按照省委、省政府确定的“发展大旅游、开发大市场、建设大产业”的指导方针,坚持“政府主导、市场运作、社会参与、部门联动”的发展战略,推动旅游业快速发展,旅游业已成为山东国民经济重要的“朝阳产业”。 May 2005, Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government held a tourism development conference in the province made it clear that we must seize the opportunity to ride on the momentum and strive to build Shandong Province into a strong tourist economy, and strive to use 10 years or so, Shandong Tourism The total economic output, the scale of tourism reception, the quality of tourism service and the environment for tourism development have entered the front ranks of the whole country, building Shandong into a major tourist area with a clear tourism image, distinctive features, reasonable structure, beautiful environment and perfect facilities, and an international tourist and leisure travel destination. According to the guidelines of “developing tourism, developing large market and building large industries” as determined by the provincial party committee and government, the province insists on the development strategy of “government-led, market operation, social participation and departmental linkage” to promote the rapid development of tourism Development, tourism has become Shandong’s national economy, an important “sunrise industry.”
许多人会将SUV和越野车的概念搞混,维基百科上这样解释SUV:SUV(Sport Utility Vehicle),是由货卡车的拖曳能力、旅行车的载客空间以及卡车的越野能力组合成的一种车型。如今,
“有时候并非越大越好,特别是对于那些在高速公路上行驶的重型商用车。”近日,针对有些卡车制造商希望联邦政府提高卡车载重上限的建议,美国联邦官员John Murtha和Mike Doyle
Ten coumarin derivatives containing(E)-methyl 2-(methoxyimino)-2-phenylacetate were synthesized and bioassayed.The compounds were identified by IR,~1H NMR and e
槌果藤是白花菜科(Capparidaceae)槌果藤属(Capparis)植物的通称。本属植物多为藤本或藤状灌木,具互生的单叶, 叶片常全缘,叶柄基部有锐利钩刺一对,果实圆球形,果柄细长,形